摘要AbstractTable of ContentsList of FiguresList of TablesNomenclature1 Introduction2 Research Motivation3 Literature review3.1 Compressed natural gas3.2 The Hydrogen Potential3.3 LCA Methodology4 Introduction to LCA Software4.1 Structure and requirement of LCA software4.2 Introduction to GEMIS4.3 Reasons for choosing GEMIS5 Methodology5.1 Goal and Scope Definition5.2 Life Cycle Inventory5.3 Life Cycle Impact Assessment5.4 Interpretation6 LCA: emission analysis6.1 Goal and Scope Definition6.2 Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)6.3 Impact assessment6.4 Interpretation7 Limitations in general for LCA7.1 Limitations in GEMIS8 Conclusion and Future OutlookList of ReferencesAppendix致谢
标签:生命周期论文; 天然气掺氢论文; 天然气论文; 排放论文;