
Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Background of the Study0.2 Significance of the Study0.3 Research Objective and GeneralAssumption0.4 Organization of theThesis0.5 KeyTerms inThis thesisChapter 1 Overview on LanguageTransfer1.1 Definition of Language Transfer1.2 Manifestations of Language Transfer1.2.1 Errors1.2.2 Avoidance1.2.3 Over-use1.2.4 Facilitation (PositiveTransfer)1.2.5 Summary1.3 Historical Development of Language Transfer Studies in SLADomain1.3.1 Behaviorist Position1.3.2 ContrastiveAnalysis (CA)1.3.3 Mentalist Position1.3.4 ErrorAnalysis (EA)1.3.5 Current Studies of Constraints on Language Transfer1.3.6 Summaryof Language Transfer Studies in SLADomain1.4 Markedness and Language Transfer1.4.1 Historical Development of MarkednessTheories1.4.2 Definition of Linguistic Markedness in SLADomain1.4.3 Criteria for Marked/Unmarked Distinction1.4.4 Studies of Markedness and L1Transfer1.4.5 Studies of Markedness in China1.4.6 GeneralAssumption of theThesisChapter 2 A Contrastive study of Chinese and English Grammatical Features in Terms of Markedness2.1 Introduction2.2 AContrastive Study of Morphological Features2.2.1 Tense and Aspect2.2.2 Number2.2.3 Case2.2.4 Articles2.2.5 Derivation2.2.6 Summary2.3 AContrastive Study of Syntactic Features2.3.1 Sentence Structure2.3.1.1 Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis2.3.1.2 Conjunctive Structure2.3.1.3 Topic-prominent vs. Subject-prominent2.3.2 Negation2.3.3 Word Order2.3.4 Relative Clause2.3.5 Be2.4 Summaryand SpecificAssumptionsChapter 3 Research Design3.1 Research Objectives3.2 Participants3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Classroom Observation3.3.2 Questionnaire3.3.3 C-ETranslationTask3.3.4 Sentence RearrangementTask3.4 Data Collection3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Results and Discussions4.1 Results of Classroom Observation4.1.1 Tense andAspect4.1.2 Articles4.1.3 Derivation4.1.4 Concord4.1.5 Lack of Control of Be4.1.6 OtherTypes4.2 Results of Questionnaire4.2.1 Personal Information4.2.2 Multiple-Choice Items4.3 Results of C-ETranslationTask4.3.1 Item 14.3.2 Item 24.3.3 Item 34.3.4 Item 44.3.5 Item 54.3.6 Item 64.3.7 Item 74.4 Results of Sentence RearrangementTask4.4.1 Item 84.4.2 Item 94.4.3 Item 104.5 Discussions of the Results4.5.1 Discussion of the Results of Classroom Observation4.5.2 Discussion of the Results of Questionnaire4.5.3 Discussion of the Results of C-E Translation and Sentence Rearrangement4.6 Pedagogical Implications4.6.1 Incorporate ContrastiveAnalysis into Classroom Instruction4.6.2 Provide Effective Feedback toTransfer Errors4.6.3 Make Proper Use of L14.6.4 Tryto Create an English Environment4.6.5 Foster Learners’Integrative Motivation4.7 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAcknowledgements
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标签:二语习得论文; 迁移论文; 标记性论文; 成人英语学习者论文;