

论文题目: 通过对中国人习得英语特殊疑问句的研究探索普遍语法的可及性

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 英语语言文学

作者: 倪锦诚

导师: 花东帆

关键词: 普遍语法,界限原则,空语类原则,疑问词移动,特殊疑问句

文献来源: 上海外国语大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 普遍语法在二语习得中的可及性问题是当今语言学界研究的热门话题。迄今为止,该领域的研究者们观点不尽相同。有人认为普遍语法可及,有人认为普遍语法不可及,另一些人认为普遍语法部分可及,部分不可及。普遍语法被认为是语言中普遍存在的规律,界限原则和空语类原则是两个普遍语法规律,它们是疑问词移动的限制规律。二语习得者如果对界限原则或空语类原则可及的话,我们就可以推断出他们对普遍语法是可及的。本文通过对中国人习得英语特殊疑问句时对疑问词移动限制规律界限原则和空语类原则的可及性研究来探索普遍语法在二语习得中的作用。进行此项研究旨在回答以下问题:普遍语法在二语习得中是否可及?与只违反界限原则的句子相比较,二语习得者是否对既违反界限原则又违反空语类原则的句子在语法正确与否判断上的准确性要高些?二语习得者对疑问词移动不同限制的可及程度是否一样?开始习得二语时的年龄大小对普遍语法的可及程度是否有影响?等等。本文的第一章主要介绍普遍语法理论、普遍语法和二语习得的关系以及前人对普遍语法可及性的三种假设;第二章解释英语和汉语特殊疑问句、疑问词移动以及界限原则和空语类原则规律;第三章回顾前人对母语为汉语的人习得英语时对疑问词移动限制的可及性研究并提出本次研究的假设;第四章主要介绍本次研究的方法;第五章主要涉及研究中的数据收集、分析和讨论;第六章是研究的结论。通过对调查所得数据的统计和分析,研究者发现:中国人习得英语时对普遍语法是可及的,他们对疑问词移动的不同限制的可及程度不尽相同。研究者还发现,母语为汉语的英语习得者,判断只违反界限原则的句子和判断既违反界限原则又违反空语类原则的句子语法是否正确时,对只违反界限原则的句子判断的正确率更高些。关于开始习得二语的年龄与普遍语法的关系问题,研究者并没有发现两者之间存在着必然的联系。






Chapter One Introduction

1. Initiation of the Research Project

2. An outline of the UG Theory and Its Relationship with Language Acquisition

3. The Logical Problems of Language Acquisition

3.1 The Logical Problems of L1 Acquisition

3.2 The Logical Problems of L2 Acquisition

4. Three Hypotheses Concerning the Role of UG in L2 Acquisition

4.1 The No-access Hypothesis

4.2 The Partial-access Hypothesis

4.3 The Full-access Hypothesis

5. Importance of Studying the Role of UG in L2 Acquisition

6. The Strategy of Testing the Role of UG by Exploring Chinese L2 learners’Sensitivity to Subjacency and/or the ECP in Learning English Wh-questions


Chapter Two English Wh-questions and the Constraints on Wh-movement in a Generative Approach

1. A Brief Interpretation of English Wh-questions and Wh-movement

2. Constraints on Wh-movement: Subjacency and the ECP

2.1 Subjacency

2.1.1 Extraction from Complex Noun Phrases (CNPC)

2.1.2 Extraction from Complex Subjects (Subject Island)

2.1.3 Extraction from Wh-islands

2.1.4 Extraction from Adjunct Phrases (Adjunct Island)

2.1.5 Extraction from Coordinate Structures (CSC)

2.2 The Empty Category Principle (the ECP)

2.3 A Brief Interpretation of Chinese Wh-questions


Chapter Three Previous Studies of the Constraints on Wh-movement in L2 Acquisition

1. Introduction

2. An Overview of the Previous Studies

2.1 Schachter’s Studies (1989&1990)

2.2 Johnson and Newport’s Study (1991)

2.3 Martohardjono’s Study (1991)

2.4 Martohardjono’s Study (1993)

2.5 Xiaoli Li’s Study (1998)

2.6 Lydia White and Alan Juffs’Study (1998)

3. A Summary of the Previous Studies

4. A Statement of Hypotheses to Be Tested in This Research Project

Chapter Four Research Methodology

1. Introduction

2. Problems Needing Special Consideration

3. General Description of the Experimental Design

3.1 Using English Native speakers as the Control Group and Chinese L2 Learners as the Subjects

3.2 Establishing Appropriate Levels of L2 Proficiency of the Subjects

3.3 Using Subjects Learning English at Different Starting Ages

3.4 Using a Grammaticality Judgment (GJ) Task

3.5 Using Different Types of Stimulus Sentences

4. Instruments and Measurement

5. Population and Sampling Procedures

6. Design of the Questionnaire

Chapter Five Data, Analysis and Discussion

1. Data Obtained in the GJ Task

1.1 Subjacency

1.2 The ECP

1.3 Subjacency and the ECP

1.4 Subjects’Sensitivity to Different Islands

1.5 Data for the Starting Time of Learning English as L2

2. Analysis and Discussion

2.1 Chinese L2 Learners’accessibility to Subjacency

2.2 Sentences with both Subjacency and the ECP Violations and Those with only Subjacency Violation

2.3 Subjects’ Sensitivity to Different Islands

2.4 Starting Ages of Learning English and Chinese L2 learners’ sensitivity to UG

2.5 Different Proficiency Groups and Sensitivity to UG

3. Comparing the Findings in This Study with Those in the Previous Studies

3.1 Subjacency and UG

3.2 Subjacency Violations VS Subjacency and the ECP Violations

3.3 Sensitivity to Different Islands

3.4 The Starting Age of Learning a L2

3.5 Language Proficiency and Sensitivity to UG

Chapter Six Conclusion

1. Restating the problems and procedures

2. Conclusions in Terms of the Hypotheses

3. Identification of Weaknesses in This Study

4. Suggestions for Replication and Further Study


Appendice I The Question Formation Task

Appendice II The Grammaticality Judgment Task

Appendice III A Questionnaire on the Acquisition of English Wh-questions (For the Chinese Subjects

Appendice IV A Questionnaire on the Acquisition of English Wh-questions (For the Native English Speakers


发布时间: 2006-12-30


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