Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review on Coherence Studies1.1 The Text-based Approach to Coherence1.1.1 Halliday and Hasan’s Coherence and Cohesion Approach1.1.2 Thematic Progression (TP)1.1.3 van Dijk & Kintch’s Macrostructure Theory1.1.4 De Beaugrande & Dressler’s Textuality Model1.2 The Reader-based Approach to Coherence1.2.1 Adjacency Pairs1.2.2 The Cooperative Principle1.2.3 Widdowson’s Pragmatic Interpretation on Coherence1.2.4 Brown and Yule’s Cognitive Frame Theory1.3 A Critical View of Previous Studies on Discourse CoherenceChapter 2 A Systemic-Functional Interpretation of Coherence --based on Halliday and Hasan’s theory2.1 A Brief Survey on Halliday and Hasan’s Coherence Theory2.1.1 Cohesion Theory by Halliday & Hasan2.1.2 Different Responses to Halliday & Hasan’s Cohesion Theory2.1.3 Augments on the Cohesion Theory of Halliday & Hasan2.2 Clarification of Some Relevant Notions Based on Halliday and Hasan’s2.2.1 Text2.2.2 Texture2.2.3 Cohesive Ties and Cohesive Devices2.2.4 Cohesion2.2.5 register2.3 A systemic-functional interpretation of coherence: cohesion and register model2.3.1 The Relationship Between Cohesion and Coherence2.3.2 Relationship Between Context Variables, Language Functions and Lexical-grammatical Patterns2.3.3 The Role of Register in Discourse Coherence2.3.4 Cohesion, Register and Coherence2.4 The Creation of CoherenceChapter 3 A Systemic-Functional Analysis of the Extracts3.1 Analysis on Transitivity3.1.1 Transitivity Analysis of the Objective Plane of Narration3.1.2 Transitivity Analysis of Mr. Collin’s Discourse3.1.3 Transitivity Analysis of Elizabeth’s Discourse3.1.4 Summary of the Transitivity Analysis Combined with Field of the Extracts3.2 Mood and Modality Analysis3.2.1 Mood Analysis of the Objective Plane of Narration3.2.2 Mood Analysis of the Subjective Plane of Narration3.2.3 Modality and Modulation Analysis of the Subjective Plane of Narrati3.2.4 Summary of Mood and Modality Analysis Combined with Tenor of the Extracts3.3 Thematic Analysis3.3.1 Themes in the Objective Plane of Narration3.3.2 Themes in the Speech of Mr. Collins3.3.3 Themes in Elizabeth’s Discourse3.3.4 Summary of Thematic Analysis Combined with Mode of the Extracts3.4 Summary of the Whole AnalysisChapter 4 ConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgementsResume
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从系统功能语言学角度解析语篇连贯 ——以小说《傲慢与偏见》为例