Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 The purpose of this thesis1.2 Some definitions in the thesis1.2.1 The definition of EST1.2.2 The definition of metaphor1.2.3 The definition of conceptual metaphor1.3 The structure of this thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Researches on metaphor2.1.1 Traditional researches of metaphor2.1.2 Contemporary researches of metaphor2.2 Research on the metaphor of EST2.2.1 Studies abroad2.2.2 Studies at home3. Research Methodology3.1 Data collection3.2 Research procedure4 Conceptual Metaphor and EST4.1 The classification and features of EST terminology4.1.1 The classification of EST terminology4.1.2 The features of EST terminology4.2 Conceptual Metaphor in the lexis of EST4.2.1 Working mechanism of conceptual metaphor4.2.2 The ways of forming conceptual metaphor in EST terminology4.2.3 The types of conceptual metaphor of EST terminology4.2.4 The nature of conceptual metaphor in the lexis of EST4.2.5 The reasons of conceptual metaphor application in the lexis of EST5 The Functions of Conceptual Metaphor in EST5.1 The function of theory-constitution5.2 The function of naming5.3 The function of illustration5.4 The function of science education6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Significance and limitationsBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGMENTS攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文APPENDIX
标签:机械英语词汇论文; 概念隐喻论文; 工作机制论文; 类型论文; 认知功能论文;