Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Study1.2 Methodology1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 An Overview of Conflict Talk2.2 Previous Relevant Studies on Conflict Talk2.2.1 The Ethnomethodological Approach2.2.2 The Interactional Sociolinguistic Approach2.2.3 The Pragmatic ApproachChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Brief introduction to Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.1.1 Making Choices3.1.2 Previous Study on Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.2 Contents of Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.2.1 Three Properties of Language3.2.2 Four Angles of Adaptability3.3 Conflict Talk and Language Adaptation TheoryChapter Four Methodology4.1 The Characteristics of Dialogue in Television Series4.2 Data Collection4.2.1 Introduction to Television Chosen in the Thesis4.2.2 Conflict Talk on Television4.3 Research MethodsChapter Five Analysis on Conflict Talk in Television in light of LinguisticAdaptation Theory5.1 Conflict Talk as Failure to Adapt to Physical World5.1.1 Temporal reference5.1.2 Spatial Reference5.1.3 Nonverbal Factors5.2 Conflict Talk as Failure to Adapt to the Social World5.2.1 Failure to Adapt to Value factors5.2.1.1 Individualism-Collectivism5.2.1.2 Uncertainty Avoidance5.2.1.3 Power Distance5.2.1.4 Masculinity and Femininity5.2.2 Failure to Adapt to Belief5.2.3 Communicative Norm5.2.4 Other Social-world Factors5.3 Conflict Talk as Failure to Adapt to Mental World5.3.1 Cognitive Elements5.3.2 Emotive ElementsChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Significant Findings of the Research6.2 Limitation of the research6.3 Suggestions for Future StudyBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:冲突话语论文; 顺应理论论文; 物理世界论文; 社交世界论文; 心理世界论文;