到目前为止,西方已经有大量关于请求言语行为的研究,例如Ervin-Tripp (1976, 1981), Brown & Levinson (1987), Bilbow (1995), Tsui (2000)等等。但是,中国学者关于此项研究却相对较少。而且在大多数研究中,被研究的语言不是德语就是希腊语,被调查的文化不是西方文化就是受西方文化巨大影响。所以,进行一项对东方文化下请求言语行为的研究是很有必要的,特别是代表中国孔子的文化。希望此项研究能为前人对请求言语行为的研究成果提供进一步的理论依据,并且使世界更加了解中国英语——世界英语体系的一支——的特点。本文试图通过调查分析中国英语学习者的请求言语行为研究语言学习者在二语中如何实施言语行为。来自三所不同大学的一组非英语专业学生接受了问卷调查,并与一组英语本族语言者和一组汉语本族语言者的调查结果进行了对比。问卷由语篇补全测试的方法设计构成,内容为日常情景。调查结果表明在实施请求言语行为时,1)中国英语学习者与英语本族语言者选用相似的句子结构(疑问句,陈述句,祈使句);2)英语本族语中的所有请求策略对中国英语学习者同样适用;3)社会距离和权利对受测试者请求言语的委婉程度存在巨大影响;4)汉语本族语言者中的女性更容易选择沉默策略,而男性更倾向于选择直接和规约性间接策略;5)中国英语学习者比英语本族语言者使用更多的修饰语。调查结果指出了出现的语用失误,总结了中国英语学习者请求言语行为的特征,并且强调了教学指导的潜在重要性。本文根据Bialystok的认知观点,认为如何发展对语用知识的控制,并根据实际交际所需的语境来选择合适的语用表达是成人第二语言学习者语用发展的重要任务,另外在教学启示方面就教学、模块学习、对待第二语言语用知识的态度、以及学习者主观意识等方面提出一系列建议。
Abstract摘要Introduction1 Research Background2 Research Purpose3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Theories of Interlanguage1.1.1 Definition of Interlanguage1.1.2 Characteristics of Interlanguage1.2 Interlanguage Pragmatics1.2.1 Definition of Interlanguage Pragmatics1.2.2 Research into Interlanguage Pragmatics: a Brief Review1.3 Speech Act of Requests1.3.1 Definition of the Speech Act of Requests1.3.2 Formal Means of Requests1.3.3 Categorizations of Request Strategies1.3.4 Modifications of Requests1.4 Research Questions1.5 SummaryChapter 2 The Methodology Used in the Present Study2.1 Method2.1.1 Subjects2.1.2 Instruments2.2 Data Collection and Analysis2.2.1 Procedure of Data Collection2.2.2 Categorization of Data and Analysis Procedure2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Findings of the Research3.1 Strategy Selection in Various Situations3.1.1 The NS-E Group3.1.2 The NNS Group3.1.3 The NS-C Group3.2 Variables and Their Influence on the Request Strategy Selecti3.2.1 Social Distance and Its Influence on the Strategy Selection3.2.2 Dominance and Its Influence on the Strategy Selecti3.2.3 Controllability of Acts and Its Influence on the Selection3.2.4 Sexual Differences in Request Strategy Selection3.3 Comparison of Request Forms in English and Chinese3.3.1 Similarities3.3.2 Differences3.4 Modifications of Requests3.4.1 The NS-E Group3.4.2 The NNS Group3.4.3 The NS-C Group3.5 Pre-modification of Requests3.5.1 The NS-E Group3.5.2 The NNS Group3.5.3 The NS-C Group3.6 Tokens Used in the Requests of the Three Groups3.6.1 The NS-E Group3.6.2 The NNS Group3.6.3 The NS-C Group3.7 SummaryChapter 4 Discussion on the Findings4.1 Overall Assessment of Chinese EFL Learners’ Request Behavior4.1.1 Findings from Quantitative Analysis4.1.2 Findings from Qualitative Analysis: Pragmatic Failure4.2 The Characteristics of the Interlanguage Request Behavior of Chinese Students4.3 Implications for EFL Teaching4.3.1 Instruction on Pragmatics4.3.2 Chunk Learning4.3.3 Attitudes to L2 Pragmatic Norms4.3.4 Learner Subjectivity4.4 SummaryConclusions1. Summary of the Study2. Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgementsResume
标签:中介语论文; 语际语用学论文; 请求策略论文; 第二语言习得论文; 语用失误论文;