随着中国近几年经济突飞猛进的发展和在国际社会中扮演越来越重要的角色,作为当今世界上主要国际通用语言之一的英语在中国的被普及和接受的程度越来越高,生活在不同阶层的中国人都涌向了学英语的热潮,英语俨然已成为时下中国人的“宠儿”。人们以能够用英语和外国人交流而感到自豪。英语作为一个桥梁,以另一种方式向外国客人打开了展现了中国风彩的大门,促进了不同国家之间的交流,提升了中国在国际社会中的地位和形象。然而在这种交流过程中,经常会出现一种让英语本族语者感到不适的“外国腔儿”,中国英语学习者在使用英语时,语法和句法方面没有失误,但是在使用一些单词时会犯一些语用错误。因此教育者们应十分重视英语单词与语法之间的的微妙联系。而语义韵正是看似不相关的词汇与语法之间的桥梁和纽带。语义韵是当代语料库语言学中一个重要研究对象,其作为一个热门研究课题正在吸引越来越多研究者的兴趣。语义韵是一种特殊的搭配现象,展示的是词语搭配的特殊行为,一般分为积极语义韵、消极语义韵和中性语义韵。EFL学习者语言中的词语搭配行为历来是二语研究中的重点对象。本研究将研究重点放在EFL学习者语义韵意识的研究。本研究通过对cause和lead to的语义韵研究和所选搭配词的使用百分比的对比分析,分析研究不同英语水平的EFL学习者语义韵意识变化,对今后中国EFL教学提出建议。整个研究过程应用了基于语料库的方法和调查试卷的方法,从而使得研究结果更加客观和准确。研究发现,总体上不同水平的英语学习者的语义韵意识确实有不同,随着英语水平的提高,学习者的语义韵意识会更加清晰。即便如此,二语教学和学习过程中搭配的缺陷仍不可以忽略。除此之外,作者针对中国英语教学中出现的语义韵问题提出了解决措施。
AcknowledgementsAbstract (in English)Abstract (in Chinese)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Objective of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Research Questions1.5 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Brief Introduction of Semantic Prosody2.1.1 Sinclair's Definition2.1.2 Stubbs' Definition2.1.3 Partington's Definition2.1.4 Hunston's Definition2.1.5 Domestic Research on Semantic Prosody2.2 The Relationship between Collocation and Semantic Prosody2.3 The Study of Semantic Prosody of Cause2.4 The Study of Semantic Prosody of Lead toChapter Three Theoretical Foundation3.1 Source of the Theory of Semantic Prosody3.1.1 Analysis of Firth's Prosody3.1.2 Context Theory and Research of Collocation3.1.3 Theory of Context3.1.4 The Study of Collocation3.1.5 The Possibility of Study of Semantic Prosody With Corpus3.2 The Theoretical Framework3.2.1 What is Semantic Prosody?3.2.2 The Classification of Semantic Prosody3.3 The Research Methods of Semantic Prosody3.3.1 Form Colligation to Describe Semantic Prosody of the Key Word3.3.2 Use Data-Driven Approach to Study Semantic ProsodyChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Data for the Study4.2 Materials Employed in the Study4.2.1 Corpus-based Study4.2.2 The Design of the Test Paper4.3 Methods of the Study4.3.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods4.3.2 The Software and the Statistic Measure Employed in the Study4.4 Research ProceduresChapter Five Results Analyses5.1 Analysis of the Results of the Corpus-based Study5.2 The Result Analyses of the Study of the Test Paper5.2.1 The Overall Difference of Awareness of Semantic Prosody Between Undergraduates and Postgraduates5.2.2 The Awareness of Different Semantic Prosodies of Cause and Lead toChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings in the Study6.1.1 Results6.1.2 The Problems and the Analysis of the Reasons6.2 Possible Solutions to Problems of Semantic Prosody for Chinese EFL Teaching6.2.1 To Intensify the Semantic Prosody Awareness to Minimize Mother Tongue Interference6.2.2 To Improve the Cognitive Awareness to Solve the Intralingual Problems6.3 Limitations of the StudyBibliographyAppendix
标签:语义韵论文; 语义韵意识论文; 学习者论文;