中文摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One A Review of CDA and Works of Related Scholars1.1 CDA in the West1.2 Works of Related Scholars1.2.1 Halliday and His Systemic Functional Grammar1.2.2 Louis Althusser and Ideology1.2.3 Antonio Gramsci and Hegemony1.2.4 Norman Fairclough and Critical Discourse Analysis1.2.4.1 A Critical and Social View1.2.4.2 Power, Ideology and Hegemony1.2.4.3 The View of Change1.2.4.4 Awareness and Education1.2.4.5 Media Discourse1.2.4.6 Three-dimensional Framework as Methodology1.3 CDA in China1.4 A SummaryChapter Two Discourse as Text:A Description2.1 A Description of Vocabulary2.1.1 Ideologically Contested Expressions2.1.2 Euphemistic Expressions2.1.3 Expressive Values of Words2.1.4 Metaphorical Expressions2.2 A Description of Grammar2.2.1 Agency and Voice2.2.2 Nominalization and Presupposition2.2.3 Relational Modality2.2.4 Expressive Modality2.2.5 Logical Connectors2.3 A Description of Textual Structure2.4 A SummaryChapter Three Discourse as Discourse Practice:An Interpretation3.1 Surface of Utterance3.1.1 Agency and Voice3.1.2 Nominalization and Presupposition3.1.3 Relational Modality3.1.4 Expressive Modality3.2 Meaning of Utterance3.2.1 Euphemistic Expressions3.2.2 Expressive Values of Words3.2.3 Metaphorical Expressions3.3 Local Coherence3.4 Text Structure and Point3.4.1 Textual Structure3.4.2 The Point3.5 Situational Context3.5.1 External Cues for Situational Context3.5.2 Social Orders3.5.3 Situational Context and Discourse Type3.6 Intertextual Context and Presupposition3.7 A SummaryChapter Four Discourse as Sociocultural Practice:An Explanation4.1 An Explanation of Vocabulary4.1.1 Ideologically Contested Expressions4.1.2 Euphemistic Expressions4.1.3 Expressive Values of Words4.1.4 Metaphorical Expressions4.2 An Explanation of Grammar4.2.1 Agency and Voice4.2.2 Nominalization and Presupposition4.2.3 Relational Modality4.2.4 Expressive Modality4.2.5 Logical Connectors4.3 An Explanation of Textual Structure4.4 A SummaryConclusion1. Findings of the Study2. Implications of the Study3. Limitations of the Study4. Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix个人简历在学期间的研究成果及发表的学术论文
标签:批评话语分析论文; 意识形态论文; 权利关系论文; 话语策略论文; 光伏双反案论文;