摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The current situation of rural middle schools1.1.1 Large sized class1.1.2 Lack of modern teaching sources1.1.3 Quality levels of students and their parents1.1.4 Teachers' quality level1.1.5 The exam system and "New Bottles,Old Wine"1.2 Rationales of the study1.3 Research questions of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Organizations of the chaptersChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Background of CLT2.2 Characteristics of CLT2.3 Two versions of CLT2.4 Principles of CLT2.5 Advantages and disadvantages of CLT2.6 Designing Communicative Activities2.6.1 Principles of Communicative Activities2.6.2 Features of Communicative Activities2.6.3 Evaluations of Communicative Activities2.6.4 Classifications of Communicative Activities2.7 Communicative Competence and Linguistic Competence2.8 Incompatibility in carrying out CLT in rural schools2.8.1 Incompatibility between CLT and rural teachers2.8.2 Incompatibility between CLT and rural students2.8.3 Incompatibility between CLT and teaching conditions in rural schoolsChapter 3 Design of the Study3.1 Purposes of the study3.2 Participants of the study3.3 Data CollectionChapter 4 Data Analysis4.1 Findings and analysis of teachers' and students' general view on CLT4.1.1.Data analysis of the students' general view on CLT from the questionnaire4.1.2 Data analysis of teachers' basic cognition on CLT4.1.2.1 Data analysis from the teachers' questionnaire4.1.2.2 Three positions to implement CLT in rural middle school4.1.2.3 Teachers' three attitudes toward CLT application in rural middle school4.1.2.4 Three misconceptions about CLT in rural middle schools4.2 Problems found in applying CLT in rural middle school4.2.1 Problems found from the classroom observation and recording4.2.2 Problems found from the interview4.3 Solution discussions—How to apply CLT in rural middle school4.3.1 Solutions relating to teachers4.3.1.1 A challenge to teachers----what are good teachers' roles4.3.1.2 Improving teachers' English proficiency4.3.1.3 Adopting right ways to correct errors4.3.2 Solutions relating to learners4.3.2.1 learners' roles4.3.2.2 Stimulating students' communicative motivation4.3.2.3 Creation of communicative activities4.3.3 Solutions relating to teaching conditions4.3.3.1 Dealing effectively with a big class: How to evaluate students' communicative competence----Designing a proper communicative test4.3.3.3 How to improve less advanced students in a big class4.3.4 Integrating CLT with Traditional Method4.3.4.1 How to teach grammar in a communicative way4.3.4.2 How to use native language appropriately in CLT4.3.4.3 Integrating the four basic skills in CLTChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the study5.2 Limitation of the study5.3 Recommendations for future researchReferencesAppendix Ⅰ 学生调查问卷Appendix Ⅱ Questionnaire for teachersAppendix Ⅲ Teachers' interview:Appendix Ⅳ Principal's interviewAcknowledgements
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标签:交际法论文; 农村中学论文; 应用论文; 问题与解决论文; 结合论文;