摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Background1.1.1 Definition of Burnout1.1.2 General Burnout Situation1.2 Teaching as a Profession1.3 SummaryChapter Two The Research2.1 Purpose2.2 Participants2.3 Instrumentation2.3.1 Questionnaires2.3.2 Interview2.4 Procedure2.4.1 Pilot Study2.4.2 Data Collecting2.5 Method and AnalysisChapter Three The Findings3.1 Burnout Situation of Female EFL Teachers3.1.1 Overall Review of Current Situation3.1.2 Interrelationship among Different Variables3.1.3 Favorable Factors for Preventing Burnout3.2 Major Existing Pressure Sources3.2.1 Academic Pressure3.2.2 Dissatisfaction on Income and Pressure from Students3.3 Unique Aspects for Female EFL Teachers3.3.1 Female Identity3.3.2 Specific Features for EFL TeachingChapter Four The Discussion4.1 Change Theory and Professional Development4.1.1 The Change Theory4.1.2 Professional Development4.1.3 Reflective Teaching and Collaboration4.2 Contributions and Limitations of the Research4.2.1 Contributions4.2.2 Limitations4.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchConclusionAcknowledgementsBibliographyAppendix AAppendix B攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:职业倦怠论文; 女英语教师论文; 职业发展论文;