AcknowledgementsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Rationale of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Objectives of the Study1.5 Definitions1.5.1 Sentence Pattern Imitation1.5.2 Explicit Instruction of Sentence Pattern Imitation1.5.3 Syntactic Errors and Lexical Errors1.6 Oeganization of This ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies of the Method of Imitation in Writing2.2 Studies of Linguistic Patterns2.3 Studies of Explicit Instruction2.4 Studies of Error Correction2.5 Studies of Writing Teaching in China2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 Subjects3.2.1 Site Selection3.2.2 Subject Sampling3.3 Teaching Materials3.3.1 Teaching Materials for EG3.3.2 Teaching Materials for CG3.4 Teaching Method3.5 Implementation of the Experiment3.5.1 Teaching Time and Teaching Contents for EG3.5.2 Teaching Time and Teaching Contents for CG3.6 Data-collection3.6.1 Pretest3.6.2 Posttest3.6.3 The Evaluating Criterions for the Pretest and the Posttest3.7 Data Analysis3.8 SummaryChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Answers to Research Question One4.1.1 Comparison of Employing Sentence Patterns in Pretest between EG and CG4.1.2 Comparison of Employing Sentence Patterns between Pretest and Posttest within EG4.1.3 Comparison of Employing Sentence Patterns between Pretest and Posttest within CG4.1.4 Comparison of Employing Sentence Patterns in Posttest between EG and CG4.1.5 Conclusion about Research Question One4.2 Answers to Research Question Two4.2.1 Comparison of Syntactic and Lexical Error Occurrence in Pretest between EG and CG4.2.2 Comparison of Syntactic and Lexical Error Occurrence between Pretest and Posttest within EG4.2.3 Comparison of Syntactic and Lexical Error Occurrence between Pretest and Posttest within CG4.2.4 Comparison of Syntactic and Lexical Error Occurrence in Posttest between EG and CG4.2.5 Conclusion about Research Question Two4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Main Findings of the Research5.1.1 Findings from Research Question One5.1.2 Findings from Research Question Two5.2 Implications5.2.1 Theoretical Inplications5.2.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations5.4 Suggestions for Future StudiesBibliographyAppendixesAppendixes Ⅰ PretestAppendix Ⅱ PosttestAppendix Ⅲ Classification of Some Frequently Used English Sentence PatternsAppendixes Ⅳ Curriculum for EGAppendix Ⅴ Curriculum for CGAppendix Ⅵ Answers for Reference to Pretest and PosttestAppendix Ⅻ Raw Data of EG and CG's NMET Scores and Pretest and Posttest ResultsAppendix Ⅷ Recalculated Numbers of CG and EG's Syntactic and Lexical Errors against 100 Sentences in Pretest and Posttest附录
标签:句型模仿教学论文; 明示教学论文; 英文写作教学论文; 错误论文; 实验论文; 检验论文;