

  1. 答:Nowadays, the phenomenon of traveling abroad has e mon. People usually choose holidays and anniversaries to travel abroad. Therefore, there are some uncivilized behaviors of Chinese tourists in overseas tourism, which seriously affect the image of China. I think there are three reasons for this: first, moral factors. The tourists pursue relaxation in their travel, so the moral binding force is reduced to the lowest point. Second, in order to pursue stimulation, find happiness or vent their bad emotions. Third, the internal management of enterprises is not strict, and some black intermediaries affect the development of main channels of outbound tourism. I think we should set a good example and not lose face in other countries.
  1. 答:中国人很多出去旅游都不注意自己的行为,这都是一些土鳖
  2. 答:With the continuous development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more tourists travel overseas. But es at any time is the uncivilized behavior of some Chinese tourists when they travel abroad. Why do these things happen? In my opinion, the reasons are as follows:
    First of all, the main reason for this phenomenon is that people don't pay attention to their behavior. Besides, some tourists are not familiar with the local culture when they travel overseas. Finally, some Chinese tourists don't care what they say.
    Personally, I think Chinese tourists should always pay attention to their words and deeds when they travel overseas. We should not only protect the environment of the scenic spots but also protect the image of Chinese people.
  3. 答:One possible version: 
         As more and more Chinese go on overseas trips, reports about their bad manners flood in. Many overseas 
    Chinese are embarrassed when foreigners ask them if all Chinese shout loudly, litter or spit everywhere. The
    poor behavior or some Chinese has done great harm to our good reputation.
         China has e an important corner of the global village. We have to understand and respect foreign 
    cultures,so as to get along well when having overseas trips. So before you start your next overseas trip, 
    remember to learn about the culture and people there, which aims to improve China's image in foreigners' 
    eyes. Wherever you go you need to protect the environment. In this way, you'll win respect for yourself as 
    well as our country.
  4. 答:One possible version:
    As more and more Chinese go on overseas trips,reports about their bad manners flood in.Many overseas
    Chinese are embarrassed when foreigners ask them if all Chinese shout loudly,litter or spit everywhere.The
    poor behavior or some Chinese has done great harm to our good reputation.
    China has e an important corner of the global village.We have to understand and respect foreign
    cultures,so as to get along well when having overseas trips.So before you start your next overseas trip,
    remember to learn about the culture and people there,which aims to improve China's image in foreigners'
    eyes.Wherever you go you need to protect the environment.In this way,you'll win respect for yourself as
    well as our country.
  1. 答:描写人类不文明现象的作文一
  2. 答:1.乱丢纸屑垃圾。2.随地吐痰。3.不爱护公物。4.学校楼道内跑跳打闹.5.大声喧哗。6.攀折花草树木。7.在课桌上乱贴乱画。8.不爱护公共环境卫生。9.拉帮结派,欺负辱骂同学。10.着装不整,或奇装异服(不仅限于染发、化妆、过度装饰等)。11.不讲究个人卫生。12.对老师同学不主动问候,没有礼貌。13.在公告栏乱写乱画或随意损坏和撕毁张贴内容。14.饭堂就餐时,扰乱秩序,插队,浪费粮食。
