Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Related Metaphor Studies2.1 Aristotelian Metaphor2.2 Black's Interaction Theory2.3 Lakoff's Cognitive MetaphorChapter 3 Conceptual Metaphor3.1 Lakoff's Cognitive-Semantic Approach to Metaphor3.1.1 The Notion of Mapping3.1.2 Properties of Metaphor3.2 The Conceptual View3.2.1 The Conceptual Metaphor3.2.2 The Omnipresence of Conceptual Metaphor3.3 Problems of Conceptual MetaphorChapter 4 Relevance Theory and Optimal Relevance4.1 Assumptions of Relevance Theory4.2 Application of Relevance Theory4.3 Extensions of Relevance4.3.1 S&W's Ostensive Communication4.3.2 Three Definitions of Relevance of S&W4.4 Optimal RelevanceChapter 5 Metaphor Interpretation5.1 Communication Implicature5.2 Communicating Attitude5.3 Metaphor as a Weak Implicature5.3.1 Metaphor as an Implicit Communication5.3.2 Metaphor as a Weak Implicature5.4 Optimal Relevance-Balance of Effort and Effect5.5 Active Understanding5.6 Assessing Understanding5.7 Contextual Assumptions5.7.1 Textual Function5.7.2 Selection of Contextual Assumptions5.8 Processes of Conceptual Metaphor Understanding5.8.1 Recognition of Metaphor5.8.2 Construction of Contextual Assumptions5.8.3 Seeking Optimal Relevance5.8.4 Understanding the Intended InterpretationChapter 6 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
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