Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Organization of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Communicative Competence(CC)2.1.1 Proposal of CC2.1.2 Further Development of CC2.1.3 Perfection of CC2.2 Communicative Approach(CA)2.2.1 Development of CA2.2.2 Characteristics of CA2.3 Comparison Between CA and Other Approaches3 Situation of Current English Teaching of Listening and Speaking inIndependent colleges3.1 Analysis of Current Situation3.2 Feasibility of CA Applied3.3 Necessity of CA Applied4 Practice of Application of CA in Listening & Speaking Teaching4.1 Design of the Research4.1.1 Subjects of the Research4.1.2 Hypothesis of the Research4.2 Implementation of the Research4.2.1 Pre-test of Listening and Speaking4.2.2 Process of the Practice4.2.3 Mid-term test and Post-test of Listening and Speaking4.2.4 Pre-questionnaire and Post- questionnaire4.2.5 Pre-interview and Post-interview4.2.6 Class Observation4.3 Data Collection and Analysis4.3.1 Data from Three Tests and Description4.3.2 Data from Both questionnaires and Description4.3.3 Observation of Interviews and Description4.3.4 Data from Class Observation and Description4.4 Summary5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 The Implications5.2.1 Significance of Stirring Students' Interests5.2.2 Significance of Shifting Teacher's Role5.3 Suggestions for the Further PracticeBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文APPENDIX 1APPENDIX 2APPENDIX 3APPENDIX 4
标签:交际法论文; 独立学院论文; 交际能力论文; 听说教学论文;