CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1.1 General description of the study1.2 Need for the study1.3 The outline of the thesisCHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Introduction2.2 Definition of learning strategies2.3 The classification of learning strategy2.3.1 Bialystok's model2.3.2 Rubin's model2.3.3 O'Malley and Chamot's classification2.3.4 Oxford's classification2.3.5 Wen qiufang' classification2.3.6 Cohen'classification2.4 Strategy training2.4.1 Language learning strategy instruction2.4.2 Strategies-based instruction (SBI)2.5 The research findings in the area in the last ten yearsCHAPTER III METHODOLOGY3.1 Objectives of the research3.2 Sample3.3 Instruments3.3.1 The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning3.3.2 Students'journals3.3.3 NET & GET3.3.4 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English3.4 Procedures3.4.1 Determining the Sample3.4.2 Administrating the Inventory3.4.3 Implementing Treatment3.5 The training model3.5.1 Reviewing the training models in the literature3.5.2 Training model in this study3.6 Data collection3.7 Data analysisCHAPTER IV RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS4.1. Description of the results of Research Question One4.1.1 The results of the pre-questionnaires4.1.2 The results of post-questionnaires (inter-group)4.1.3 The results of intra-group comparison4.1.4 The results of the differences of the frequency increases between the two groups4.1.5 Summary of the results of Research Question One4.2. Description of the results of Research Question Two4.2.1 Description of the results4.2.2 Summary of the results of Research Question Two4.3 Description of the results of Research Question Three4.3.1 The results of the experimental group4.3.2 The result of the control group4.3.3 The results of both groups4.3.4 The relationship between the students post-test scores and their strategy preferences in post-questionnaires4.3.5 Summary of the results of Research Question Three4.4 Description of the results of Research Question Four4.4.1 The effects on students' leaning style and personality4.4.2 The effects on students' self-confidence4.4.3 The effects on the students' meta-cognitive strategy use4.4.4 The effects on students' knowledge of learning strategies4.4.5 Students' general comments on SBI4.5 SummaryCHAPTER V CONCLUSION5.1 Summary of the methodology and findings5.1.1 Review of methodology5.1.2 Summary of findings5.2 Discussion and interpretation of the findings5.2.1 The findings of Research Question One5.2.2 The findings of Research Question Two5.2.3 The findings of Research Question Three5.2.4 The findings of Research Question Four5.2.5 The first unrelated-to-the-research-question findings5.2.6 The second unrelated-to-the-research-question findings5.2.7 The third unrelated-to-the-research-question findings5.3 Implications and Recommendations for Further ResearchesREFERENCESAPPENDIXACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
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标签:英语学习论文; 语言学习策略论文; 策略训练论文;