摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.1.1 The College English Curriculum Requirements1.1.2 The Problems in the Practice of Teaching and Learning under the traditional teaching model1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study1.3 An Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Autonomous Learning2.1.1 Definitions of the Autonomous Learning2.1.2 Theoretical Foundation of Autonomous Learning2.2 Language Learning Strategies2.2.1 Definitions of Learning Strategies2.2.2 Classifications of Learning Strategies2.3 Computer-and Classroom-Based College English Teaching Model2.3.1 Theories of the New Model: Constructivism and Subject Education Theory2.3.2 Advantages of the New Model2.3.3 Autonomous Learning Strategies under the New Model2.3.4 Previous Researches on the Autonomous Learning Strategies Based on the New ModelChapter 3 Research Instrument3.1 Objective of the Research3.2 Subjects3.3 Research Instrument3.3.1 Questionnaire Survey3.3.2 Interviews3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data Analysis3.5.1 Quantitative Data Analysis3.5.2 Qualitative Data AnalysisChapter 4 Research Findings and Analysis4.1 Results of the Survey4.1.1 Present Use of ELSs under the New Teaching Model4.1.2 Comparison of differences in Using the Autonomous LLSsbetween Males and Females4.1.3 Comparison of Differences in Using the Autonomous ELSs between Successful and Less-successful Students4.1.4 The Relationship between ELSs and Scores4.2 Qualitative Data AnalysisChapter 5 Implications and Suggestions5.1 Improving the Students’ Autonomous Learning Awareness and the Using Capability of Learning Strategies5.2 Improving the Teachers’ Strategy Awareness and the Strategy Training Level5.3 Pay More Attention on Training Metacognitive Strategies and the Cognitive Strategies5.4 Noticing the Differences of the Students’ Individual Language Learning Strategies5.5 Enhancing the Technology Conditions of the College English Autonomous Learning Center5.6 New English autonomous learning strategies—the complex model of English learning strategiesChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings of This Study6.2 Limitations of the Present Study6.3 Recommendations for Further ResearchesAppendixReferencesPublicationsAcknowledgements
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标签:大学英语论文; 教学模式论文; 自主学习论文; 学习策略论文;