AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要前言1.0 国际国内跨文化交际语言学研究路径的回顾2.0 跨文化交际学的研究对象与研究路径3.0 跨文化交际学的语言学研究路径的理论依据4.0 跨文化交际的语言学研究路径探索5.0 结束语Chapter 1 A Brief Survey of the Past and Present Scholarship Concerning Linguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies1.1 A Brief Survey of the Past and Present Scholarship Abroad1.2 A Brief Survey of the Past and Present Scholarship in China1.3 The Key Points as well as the Knotty Points in Intercultural Communication StudiesChapter 2 Theoretical Foundations for Linguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies2.1 Approaches to Intercultural Communication Studies2.2 The Theoretical Foundations for Linguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies2.2.1 Language as One of the Dominant Threads in All Cultures2.2.2 The Cultural Function of Language Requiring Linguistic Approach2.2.3 The Core of the Covert Culture Hidden in Language2.2.4 The Reaction of Language to CultureChapter 3 A Probe into Linguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.1 Internal Linguistic Approaches to Intercultural Communication Studies3.1.1 The Phonetic and Phonemic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.1.1.1 An Introduction3.1.1.2 Evidences in Chinese3.1.1.3 Evidences in English3.1.1.4 Evidences as Found in Translation3.1.1.5 A Summary3.1.2 The Grammatical Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.1.2.1 A Brief Introduction3.1.2.2 Basic Cultural Differences as Reflected from Chinese and Western Grammars3.1.2.3 Hierarchical Social Relationship as Reflected in Chinese and English Grammars3.1.3 The Lexical Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.1.3.1 The Importance of Cultural Connotations as Reflected in Lexicon3.1.3.2 Connotative Similarities and Differences as Reflected in Color Words3.1.3.3 Connotative Differences as Reflected in the Use of Numerals3.1.3.4 A Summary3.2 External Linguistic Approaches to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.1 The Sociolinguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.1.1 The Importance of Sociolinguistics to Cultural Studies3.2.1.2 Gender Differences as Reflected in the Use of Language3.2.1.3 Social Status as Reflected in Linguistic Variation3.2.1.4 Ethnic Differences as Reflected in Linguistic Variation3.2.1.5 A Summary3.2.2 The Ethno-linguistic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.2.1 An Introduction to Ethno-linguistics3.2.2.2 A Brief Survey of Ethno-linguistic Studies in China3.2.2.3 Linguistic Sexism in Chinese and English3.2.2.4 The Nature of Linguistic Sexism3.2.2.5 A Summary3.2.3 The Rhetorical Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.3.1 The Definitions of Rhetoric in Different Cultures3.2.3.2 Rhetorical Similarities and Differences in Chinese and English3.2.3.3 A Summary3.2.4 The Metaphorical Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.4.1 A Brief Introduction to Metaphorical theories3.2.4.2 Contrastive Values as Reflected in Two Metaphors3.2.4.3 A Summary3.2.5 The Memetic Approach to Intercultural Communication Studies3.2.5.1 A Brief Introduction3.2.5.2 The Relationship among Memes,Language and Culture3.2.5.3 The Relationship between Memes and Intercultural Communication3.2.5.4 The Enlightenments3.2.5.5 A SummaryChapter 4 ConclusionBibliography
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标签:跨文化交际学论文; 语言学论文; 研究路径论文;