摘要AbstractContentsIntroductionChapter 1 The Jewry:An Alienated People1.1 Historical Background of the Jewry's Alienation1.2 Present Situation of the American Jews' Alienation1.3 The Alienation Phenomenon in Philip Roth's WorksChapter 2 Alienation of the Characters' Jewish Identity2.1 Alienation of Seymour Levov's Identity as Husband2.2 Alienation of Merry Dawn's Identity as Wife2.3 Alienation of Merry Levov's Identity as DaughterChapter 3 Alienation of the Family Relations3.1 Alienation of the Relation between Husband and Wife3.2 Alienation of the Relation between Father and Daughter3.3 Alienation of the Relation between Mother and DaughterChapter 4 Alienation of the Jewish Traditional Belief4.1 Alienation of Lou Levov's Jewish Traditional Belief4.2 Alienation of Seymour Levov's Jewish Traditional Belief4.3 Merry Levov's Challenges to the Jewish Traditional BeliefConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
标签:美国牧歌论文; 异化论文; 身份论文; 家庭关系论文; 宗教信仰论文;