ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER Ⅰ INTRODUCTION1.1 An Introduction to Chinese Government’s White Papers (CGWP)1.1.1 Definition and Features of Political Materials1.1.2 An Overview of Chinese Government’s White Papers1.2 Significance and Objectives of the Research1.3 Research Questions1.4 Data Collection and Research Methodology1.5 Structure of the ThesisCHAPTER Ⅱ A REVIEW OF THE STUDIES ON THE TRANSLATION OF CGWPS2.1 Translation and Text Typology2.2 Domestic Studies on the Translation of CGWPs2.2.1 Studies on the Translation of Political Materials2.2.2 Studies on the Translation of CGWPs2.3 Studies on the Translation of CGWPs AbroadCHAPTER Ⅲ TRANSLATION ETHICS3.1 Translation Ethics3.1.1 Definition of Ethics3.1.2 The Return to Ethics in Translation Studies3.2 Development of Translation Ethics3.2.1 Development of Translation Ethics Abroad3.2.1.1 Antoine Berman’s Ethics of Respecting Foreignness3.2.1.2 Lawrence Venuti’s Ethics of Difference3.2.1.3 Anthony Pym’s “Ethics of Translator”3.2.2 Development of Translation Ethics at home3.3 Andrew Chesterman’s Five Models of Translation Ethics3.3.1 Ethics of Representation3.3.2 Ethics of Service3.3.3 Ethics of Communication3.3.4 Norm-based Ethics3.3.5 Ethics of Commitment3.4 SummaryCHAPTER Ⅳ TRANSLATION ETHICS IN THE TRANSLATION OF CGWPS4.1 Micro-ethical Level4.1.1 Ethics of Representation4.1.1.1 Faithful Representation of both Form and Meaning4.1.1.2 Representation of Truth4.1.2 Norm-based Ethics4.1.2.1 Linguistic Norms4.1.2.2 Stylistic Norms4.2 Macro-ethical Level4.2.1 Ethics of Service4.2.1.1 Professional Competence of the Translator4.2.1.2 Purpose-oriented Strategy under the Translator’s Subjectivity4.2.2 Ethics of CommunicationCHAPTER Ⅴ THE ROLE OF THE TRANSLATION ETHICS IN THE TRANSLATION OF CGWPS5.1 The Role of the Translation Ethics in the Translation of CGWPs5.2 The Translator’s Interference in the Translation of CGWPs5.3 Suggestions on Improving the Translation QualityCHAPTER Ⅵ CONCLUSION6.1 Summary and Major Findings6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudiesNOTESWORKS CITED
标签:政府白皮书论文; 翻译伦理论文; 切斯特曼论文; 英译论文;
A Study of the English Translation of Chinese Government’s White Papers from the Perspective of Translation Ethics