


The justice theory of Rawls put the basic structure of society as a major problem of justice, in order to achieve social fairness and justice, he proposed two principles of justice to direct the design of basic structure of modem western capitalist society.The justice theory of Rawls is at the core of the two principles of justice, Two Principles of Justice are both the essence of the social distribution of the main system of basic rights and obligations arising from decisions by the interests of social cooperation way.Even if there is not equal distribution must also take care of at least on the premise of the beneficiary, Shows a tendency towards egalitarianism. Two principles of justice is established in classical contract and put on the utilitarian basis, By default"the primal state of the environment",The liberty, equality reach to a rational selection which they don’t know anything about themselves and their living conditions and social information,Ensure that the choice and the result is a contract which is same as the Justice.The domain of the political philosophy theory of Marx view on the justice of Rawls, From the beginning of the logic of justice, the realization of justice means, the justice of the council to and justice of the concept of the historic areas,will help us to view on the justice of Rawls well which has caused great repercussions in the western political philosophy theory. The starting point in logic of justice was different. Marx based on a material production activities, the justice theory of Rawls established in the territory of justice is the primal state which is a basis. Marx see the root which cause of justice is productive,Rawls cut production and did not see the distribution of the decision, just From allocations to talk about Justice.In the implementation aspect of social justice, Marx advocates abolition of private property, Marx advocates abolition of private property and Ralws is not alter ownership structure in the capitalist society and don’t see the shortage of Justice.From the Justice of the council to the care of the unfavorable, the corresponding Rawls at least beneficiaries.Areas in the history of justice, Marx’s conception of justice, with the mode of production changes, Rawls proposed a universal principles of justice that his principles of justice is applicable to all of the social system.Rawls theory of building a socialist harmonious society in China have very good positive significance, Free access to markets, a fair chance and the "vulnerable groups" in the interest of reference for good care.


  • Abstract
  • 目录
  • 引言
  • 第一章 作为公平的正义——罗尔斯的正义论
  • 一、西方正义理论发展
  • (一) 古希腊时期正义观
  • (二) 中世纪的正义观
  • (三) 近代资产阶级的正义观
  • 二、罗尔斯正义论的理论基础
  • (一) 古典契约论向罗尔斯新契约论的转向
  • (二) 社会公平正义理论取代功利主义
  • 三、罗尔斯正义论的理论核心——正义二原则
  • (一) 正义原则的文本阐述及其优先性
  • (二) 正义二原则的证明
  • 第二章、马克思的正义观与罗尔斯正义理论的对比性反思
  • 一、正义的逻辑起点
  • (一) "原初状态"—思辨正义观
  • (二) 物质生产—实践正义观
  • 二、正义的实现途径
  • (一) 分配正义的实现—分配对于生产的依赖性
  • (二) 社会正义的实现—是否消灭私有制
  • 三、正义的旨归—正义是对不利者的关怀
  • (一) 对"最少受惠者"的利益关怀
  • (二) 对无产阶级的利益关怀
  • 四、正义的历史范畴性
  • (一) 罗尔斯的正义理论非历史性
  • (二) 马克思的正义理论的历史性
  • 第三章 罗尔斯正义原则对我国构建和谐社会的借鉴作用
  • 一、"平等自由原则"——平等的自由权利
  • 二、"机会的公平平等原则"——公平机会的给予
  • 三、"差别原则"——对"弱势群体"的关怀
  • 结语
  • 参考文献
  • 个人简历
  • 后记
  • 相关论文文献

