ABSTRACT摘要Chapter One: Preface1.1 Brief introduction of Ezra Pound1.1.1 Family1.1.2 Schooling1.1.3 Major achievements1.2 The studies on Ezra Pound abroad and at home1.3 Ezra Pound's translation experiences1.4 The difficulties and necessities of studies on Ezra Pound as a translator1.5 The perspectives and aim of this paperChapter Two: Ezra Pound's Translation and Poetry2.1 Ezra Pound's translation and English poetry2.1.1 Poetry movement2.1.1.1 Traditional and Dominating Poetry2.1.1.2 Imagism, Vorticism and American New Poetry Movement2.1.2 Innovation in poetry2.1.1.1 Innovation in dictions2.1.1.2 Innovation in themes2.2 Ezra Pound's Translation and Chinese Poetry2.2.1 Ezra Pound and Chinese classic poetry2.2.2 Cathay2.3 Ezra Pound's Poetic Propositions Reflected in Translation2.3.1 Ezra Pound's poetic propositions2.3.2 The analysis of his practice of the poetic propositions in translationChapter Three: Ezra Pound's Translation & China3.1 Ezra Pound and his initial relationship with China3.2 Pound's translation and the exploration of Chinese culture3.2.1. Ezra Pound's translation practice in Cathay3.2.2. Ezra Pound and The Cantos3.2.3. The Confucianism in Pound's translation3.3 The misreading of Chinese culture in Pound's translation3.3.1 Cultural misreading in poetry3.3.2 Cultural misreading in Confucian translationsChapter Four: Retrospect and Reflections on Ezra Pound's Translation4.1 Ezra Pound's translation views and techniques4.1.1 Ezra Pound's translation views4.1.1.1 Teleology4.1.1.2 Seed transplanting4.1.1.3 Rewriting4.1.2 Translation techniques4.2 How to see Pound's translation4.2.1 Pound & Linshu's Pattern of Translation4.2.2 Creativeness in Translation4.2.3 How to see Pound's translation?Chapter Five: ConclusionBibliographySupplementaryMajor works of Ezra Pound on translation and poetryAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间研究成果
标签:意象主义诗歌论文; 中国古典诗歌论文; 中国儒家思想论文; 创造性翻译论文;