摘要Abstract前言Chapter One: IntroductionChapter Two: Literature review2.1 News interviews2.2 The Relevance Theory2.3 The Dialogism Theory2.4 The Public Relationship Theory2.5 The Propaganda TheoryChapter Three: Asymmetry in news interviews3.1 News interviews and the Relevance Theory3.1.1 Two principles3.1.2 Natural cognitive tendency to maximize relevance3.1.3 Intentionality3.1.4 Expectations3.2 News interviews and the Dialogism Theory3.2.1 Independentity, subjectivity and freedom of choice3.2.2 Incompletion and unfinalizability3.2.3 Poliphony3.3 News interviews and the Public Relationship Theory3.3.1 Asymmetry implied in Grunig's models of public relations3.3.2 The bases of the asymmetry3.4 News interviews and the Propaganda Theory3.4.1 Disinformation in propaganda3.4.2 Propaganda techniques3.5 News interviews and the Psychology TheoryChapter Four: Interview strategies4.1 Causes of the strategies4.1.1 Social factors4.1.2 Personal factors4.2 The strategies adopted by interlocutors4.2.1 Definition of strategies4.2.2 The strategies the interviewer usually adopts4.2.3 The corresponding strategies the interviewee usually adoptsChapter Five: Implications offered by Asymmetry5.1 Utterance hegemony5.2 Utterance honesty5.3 Utterance logic5.4 The destruction of the conversationChapter Six: ConclusionBibliography
标签:新闻访谈论文; 不对称性论文; 理论基础论文; 策略论文;