Abstract摘要AbbreviationsIntroductionChapter One A Review of Semantic Translation(ST) and Communicative Translation(CT)1.1 The Background of ST and CT1.2 Theoretical Basis of ST and CT1.3 ST and CT1.4 ST and CT vs.Other Translation Methods1.5 Text Typology and ST and CTChapter Two An Introduction to Chinese Political Writings2.1 An Overview of Chinese Political Writings2.2 The Stylistic Features of Chinese Political Writings2.2.1 Lexical Features2.2.2 Syntactical Features2.2.3 Rhetorical Features2.3 The Functions of Chinese Political WritingsChapter Three The Language and Cultural Obstructions in the Translation of Chinese Political Writings3.1 Language Obstructions3.1.1 Subject-Prominent vs.Topic-Prominent3.1.2 Hypotactic vs.Paratactic3.1.3 Compact vs.Diffusive3.1.4 Preciseness vs.Conciseness3.2 Cultural Obstructions3.2.1 The Relationship between Culture and Translation3.2.2 The Cultural Factors in the Chinese Political Writings3.2.2.1 Generalized Words and Abbreviations3.2.2.2 Neologisms in the Chinese Political Writings3.2.2.3 Four-word Expressions3.2.2.4 Literary Quotations,Idioms and Proverbs3.2.2.5 Cultural-loaded Terms with Different Designative Meaning3.2.2.6 Cultural-loaded Terms with Different Associative MeaningChapter Four Principles and Strategies in Translating Chinese Political Writings in the Light of ST and CT4.1 Text Type and General Translation Methods of Chinese Political Writings4.2 Principles in Translating Chinese Political Writings in the Light of ST and CT4.2.1 Accuracy:being faithful to the SL4.2.2 Naturalness:being acceptable and comprehensible to the readership4.2.3 Standardization:conforming to the standards of prescribed translation4.3 Possible Strategies in Translating Chinese Political Writings in the Light of ST and CT4.3.1 On Lexical Level4.3.1.1 Replacement4.3.1.2 Literal Translation4.3.1.3 Addition4.3.1.4 Free Translation4.3.2 On Syntactical Level4.3.2.1 Substitution4.3.2.2 Subject4.3.2.3 SubordinationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsList of Published Papers学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:汉语政论文; 语义翻译论文; 交际翻译论文; 翻译标准论文; 翻译策略论文;