Halliday在《功能语法入门》(An Introduction to Functional Grammar)一书的前言中指出,构建系统功能语法的目的是为了给语篇分析提供一个理论框架,他对语篇的衔接、及物性和主位结构的研究为语篇分析做出了不可磨灭的贡献。本文运用系统功能语法对唐代诗人杜甫的诗作《月夜》及其英译文进行分析,对比译文和原作的语篇,探讨译文的得失,从而加深对原作及译文的理解和欣赏,进一步认识到以系统功能语法为理论框架进行诗歌语篇分析的可行性,也会为翻译研究带来启示。本文分六章。第一章阐述了从系统功能语法的角度对杜甫诗作及其英译文进行语篇分析的意义和方法,并对语料作介绍。第二章叙述了系统功能语法理论及其在语篇分析中的显著作用。第三、四、五章对诗作原文和译文分别进行分析,并作对比。在概念功能方面,主要分析语篇的及物性;在语篇功能方面,主要分析语篇的衔接手段、主位结构和信息结构。第六章总结前面各章的讨论和分析,验证使用系统功能语法分析诗歌语篇的可行性,并探讨它对翻译研究的启示。
Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter I Introduction1.1 Goals of this study1.2 Introduction of Du Fu and his poem Yue Ye1.3 A Brief Introduction of Five TranslatorsChapter II Literature Review2.1 Features of Systemic Functional Grammar2.2 Three Metafunctions2.2.1 Ideational Function: Transitivity2.2.2 Interpersonal Function: Mood & Modality2.2.3 Textual Function: Thematic Structure and Cohesion2.3 Discourse AnalysisChapter III Analyses of the Transitivity System of the Poem and its Translations3.1. Process Type in the First Couplet3.2 Process Type in the Second Couplet3.3 Process Type in the Third Couplet3.4 Process Type in the Fourth CoupletChapter IV Analyses of the Mood System4.1 Mood & Modality in the First Couplet4.2 Mood & Modality in the Second Couplet4.3 Mood & Modality in the Third Couplet4.4 Mood & Modality in the Fourth CoupletChapter V Analyses of Thematic, Information Structures and Cohesion5.1 Theme-Rheme and Information Structures5.1.1 Thematic and Information Structures in the First Couplet5.1.2 Thematic and Information Structures in the Second Couplet5.1.3 Thematic and Information Structures in the Third Couplet5.1.4 Thematic and Information Structures in the Fourth Couplet5.2 Cohesion and Coherence5.2.1 Reference in Ding's version5.2.2 Reference in Bynner's version5.2.3 Reference in Yang's version5.2.4 Reference in Hawkes' version5.2.5 Reference in Xu's versionChapter VI Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.1.1 Equivalence and Shifts in Transitivity System6.1.2 Equivalence and Shifts in Mood System6.1.3 Equivalence and Shifts in Thematic Structure and Cohesion6.2 Towards translation criterionReferencesAppendices详细摘要
标签:语篇分析论文; 系统功能语法论文; 翻译论文; 月夜论文;