Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Background introduction1.2 Problems1.3 Data collection and methodology1.4 Structure of the thesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Foreign studies on tourist materials2.1.1 Analysis from genre perspective2.1.2 Analysis from sociolinguistic perspective2.2 Domestic studies on tourist materials2.2.1 Duan Liancheng and his preliminary research on publicity-oriented translation2.2.2 Jin Huikang and his books on intercultural tourism materials translation2.2.3 Chen Gang and his research2.2.4 Other researches2.3 SummaryChapter Ⅲ Functional Theories of Translation3.1 Historical and traditional translation theories3.2 Functional theories of translation3.2.1 Text Typology3.2.1.1 Katharina Reiss and her text type3.2.1.2 Peter Newmark and his text typology3.2.1.3 Other theorists’opinions on text types3.2.2 Translational Action3.2.3 Skopostheorie3.2.4 Christiane Nord3.3 SummaryChapter Ⅳ Analysis of tourist materials at scenic spots4.1 Tourist materials at scenic spots4.2 Functional analysis of tourist materials at scenic spots4.3 The text type of tourist materials at scenic spots4.4 The purpose of tourist materials at scenic spots4.5 Comparison between Chinese tourist text and English tourist text4.5.1 Viewed from the perspective of text functions4.5.2 Viewed from perspective of different ways of thinking4.5.3 Viewed from the perspective of aesthetic judgment4.5.4 Viewed from the perspective of language4.6 SummaryChapter ⅤAnalysis of C-E translation of tourist materials at scenic spots in Qingdao5.1 Problems in C-E translation of tourist materials at scenic spots in Qingdao5.1.1 The classification of the problems in C-E translation of tourist materials5.1.2 The status quo of the C-E translation of tourist materials at scenic spots in Qingdao5.1.2.1 Spelling mistakes5.1.2.2 Grammatical mistakes and misused words5.1.2.3 Chinese-styled English5.1.2.4 Expression5.1.2.5 English version not available5.2 Strategies for C-E translation of tourist materials at scenic spots5.2.1 Translation strategies for direction and warning signs at scenic spots5.2.2 Translation strategies for instructions and explanatory notices at scenic spots5.2.3 Translation strategies for introductory materials at scenic spots5.2.3.1 Literal translation plus explanation5.2.3.2 Transliteration plus explanation5.2.3.3 Summarization and rewritingChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 LimitationsReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Source of Materials个人简历发表的学术论文
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标签:景点旅游资料论文; 翻译策略论文; 文本类型论文; 目的论论文; 目的语受众论文;