Abstract摘要List of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapterⅠIntroduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose and Siginificance of the Study1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapterⅡ Literature Review2.1 Research on Dictaion Abroad2.2 Research on Dictation at Home2.3 What the Study to Deal WithChapterⅢTheoretical Framework3.1 Input and Output Theories3.1.1 Krashen's Input Hypothesis3.1.2 Swain's Output Hypothesis3.2 Short-term Memory Theory3.2.1 Definition of Short-term Memory3.2.2 Short-term Memory and Dictation3.3 Communicative View of Language3.4 Definition and Classification of Dictation3.4.1 Definition of Dictation3.4.2 Classification of Dictation3.4.2.1 Classification Based on Language Unit3.4.2.2 Classification Based on Genre3.4.2.3 Classification Based on Dictating Procedure3.4.2.4 Classification Based on Auxiliary Means3.4.3 Need for the Study of Dictation TypesChapter Ⅳ Experimental Design4.1 Research Questions4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.4 Selection of Dictation Materials4.5 Procedures4.5.1 Pre-test4.5.2 Dictation Strategy Training4.5.3 Classroom Instruction Based on Dictogloss4.5.4 Post-test4.5.5 Questionnaire SurveyChapter Ⅴ Data Analysis and Discussion5.1 Analysis and Discussion of Listening Test Results5.1.1 Comparison of Pre-test Scores of EG and CG5.1.2 Comparison of Post-test Score of EG and CG5.1.3 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Scores of EG5.1.4 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Scores of CG5.2 Analysis and Discussion of QuestionnaireChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Findings6.2 Implications of the Research6.3 Limitations of the Research6.4 Suggestions for Further ResearchReferences在学期间的研究成果AppendixⅠ Papers of Listening ComprehensionAppendix Ⅱ Scores of Listening ComprehensionAppendix Ⅲ Post-training QuestionnaireAcknowledgements
标签:听写论文; 整体听写教学论文; 英语听力水平论文;
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