ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDEDICATIONABSTRACT摘要LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSTable of ContentsCHAPTER 1 GENRAL INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE1.1 Introduction1.2 Concept of Dietary fibre1.2.1 Effects of dietary fibre on human health1.2.2 Fibre determination1.3 Millet1.3.1 Millet varieties1.3.1.1 Pearl Millet (pennisetum glaucum) Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Proso Millet (Panicum miliacum) Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana)1.3.2. Nutrition content of millet1.4 Fermentation of dietary fibre1.4.1 Mechanism of acetate, propionate and butyrate production by Bifidobacteria andLactobacillus species.1.4.2 Factors affecting SCFA formation during fermentation1.5 Bacterial adhesion1.6 Statement of the problem and justification of research1.7 Objectives of the research1.7.1 Main Objective1.7.2 Research Specific Objectives1.8 ReferencesCHAPTER 2 Estimation of Dietary Fibre Content of Millet Varieties and Their Influence on the Growth of Human Faecal Microflora during InVitro Fermentation2.1 Introduction2.2 Materials and methods2.2.1 Millet varieties2.2.2 Sample preparation2.2.3 Extraction and estimation of soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre from millet varieties2.2.4 Digestion of original sample with enzymes2.2.5 Soluble/insoluble dietary fibre determination2.2.6 Total dietary fibre determination2.2.7 Filtration2.2.8 Volunteers and their Dietary Schedule2.2.9 Analysis of faecal samples2.2.10 In vitro fermentation with human faecal inocula2.2.11 Determination of pH, viable count and optical density2.3 Statistical analysis2.4 Results and discussion2.4.1 Percentage of dietary fibre contents in millet varieties2.4.2 Purity of extracted fibres2.4.3 Faecal bacteria cell counts2.4.4 Effect of millet varieties on the growth of faecal microorganisms2.4.5 Determination of pH and optical density (OD2.5. Conclusions2.6. ReferencesCHAPTER 3 EFFECT OF MILLET FIBRE FRACTIONS ON IN VITRO FERMENTATION PRODUCTION OF SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACIDS USING HUMAN FAECAL MICROFLORA3.1 Introduction3.2 Materials and methods3.2.1 Millet varieties3.2.2 Fermentation substrate3.2.3 Volunteers and their Dietary Schedule3.2.4 Analysis of faecal samples and in vitro fermentation of extracted millet fbre fractions with faecal inocula3.2.5 Determination of SCFA3.2.6 Preparation of samples and standards for gas chromatography3.2.7 Chemicals and reagents to prepare standards3.2.8 GC experimental conditions3.2.9 Stock standard solution preparation3.2.10 Preparation of standard mix solution3.2.11 Standard curve3.2.12 Standards Retention time3.2.13 Quantification of SCFA3.3. Statistical analysis3.4. Results and Discussion3.4.1 SCFA formation before and after the consumption of diet3.4.3 Variation in individual SCFA formation after fermentation of millet varieties with subject faecal microflora3.5 Conclusion3.6 ReferencesCHAPTER 4 INFLUENCE OF MILLET FIBRE FRACTIONS IN STIMULATING GROWTH OF PURE CULTURES OF PROBIOTICS AND ENHANCEMENT OF SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACID PRODUCTION UNDER IN VITRO FERMENTATION4.1 Introduction4.2 Materials and methods4.2.1 Chemicals and Bacterial strains4.2.2 Fermentation substrate4.2.3 Preparation of cell suspension4.2.4 In vitro fermentation of extracted millet fbre fractions using pure cultures of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species4.2.5 Determination of pH, viable count and optical density4.2.6 Calculation of Specific growth rate4.2.7 Determination of SCFA4.2.8 Measurement of indigestible fibre percentage4.2.8.1 Measurement of the indigestible soluble dietary fibre after fermentation of SDF4.2.8.2 Measurement of the indigestible insoluble dietary fibre after fermentation of IDF4.2.8.3 Measurement of indigestible total dietary fibre after fermentation of TDF4.2.8.4 Calculation of % dry matter disappearance4.3 Statistical analysis4.4 Results and discussion4.4.1 Probiotic growth during fermentation with millet fibre fractions4.4.2 Optical density readings during fermentation4.4.3 pH4.4.4 Biomass yield4.4.5 Specific growth rates4.4.6. SCFA production4.4.7 Indigestible material percentage4.5 Conclusion4.6 ReferencesCHAPTER 5 INFLUENCE OF MILLET FIBRE FRACTIONS IN STIMULATING GROWTH OF PURE CULTURES OF PROBIOTICS AND ENHANCEMENT OF SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACID PRODUCTION UNDER IN VITRO FERMENTATION5.1 Introduction5.2 Materials and Methods5.2.1 Fermentation substrate5.2.2 Chemicals and Bacterial strains/ Co-cultures5.2.3 Cell suspension preparation5.2.4 In vitro fermentation of extracted millet fbre fractions using co-cultures of Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species5.2.5 Determination of pH, viable count and optical density5.2.6 Calculation of Specific growth rate5.2.7 Determination of SCFA5.2.8 Measurement of indigestible fibre percentage5.3 Statistical analysis5.4 Results and discussion5.4.1 Probiotic co-cultures growth during fermentation with millet fibre fractions5.4.2 Optical density5.4.3 pH5.4.4 Specific growth rates5.4.5 SCFA production5.4.6 Indigestible material percentage5.5 Conclusion5.6 ReferencesCHAPTER 6 STUDY of ADHESION MECHANISM OF PROBIOTICS TO INSOLUBLE, SOLUBLE AND TOTAL DIETARY FIBRE FRACTIONS OF MILLET6.2 Materials and methods6.2.1 Millet dietary fibre fractions6.2.2 Bacterial culture media6.2.3 Bacterial strains6.2.4 Cell suspensions preparation6.2.5 Bacterial adhesion to fibre6.2.6 Effect of probiotic bacteria growth on adhesion6.2.7 Study of probiotic adhesion mechanism6.2.7.1 Fresh medium6.2.7.2 Spent medium6.2.7.3 Pepsin-treated spent medium6.2.7.4 Pepsin-treated fibre6.2.7.5 Pepsin-treated cells6.2.7.6 Proteinase K-treated cells6.2.7.7 Phosphate buffer6.2.7.8 NaCl6.2.7.9 Tween6.2.7.10 Heat-treated cells, cells treated at room temperature (22-25°C) and human body temperature (37°C) Effect of potential inhibitors6.2.8 Bacterial adhesion under conditions of the human stomach and small intestine6. Effect of acid and pepsin6.2.8.3 Effect of bile6.2.8.4 Effect of pancreatin6.3 Statistical analysis6.4 Results and discussion6.4.1 Influence of time on adhesion6.4.2 Influence of substrate concentration6.4.4 Effect of growth6.4.5 Effect of chemical6.4.6 Effect of pH6.4.7 Effect of pepsin and Proteinase6.4.8 Effect of potential inhibitor6.4.9 Effect of medium6.4.10 Effect of simulated gastrointestinal conditions6.5 Conclusion6.6 ReferencesCHAPTER 7 EFFET OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE ADHESION OF PROBIOTICS CO-CULTURES TO INSOLUBLE, SOLUBLE AND TOTAL DIETARY FIBRE FRACTIONS OF MILLET7.1 Introduction7.2 Materials and methods7.2.1 Millet dietary fibre fractions7.2.2 Bacterial culture media7.2.3 Bacterial strains (Probiotic Co-cultures)7.2.4 Cell suspensions preparation7.2.5 Bacterial adhesion to fibre7.2.6 Effect of probiotic bacteria growth on adhesion7.2.7 Study of probiotic co-cultures adhesion mechanism7.2.8 Probiotic co-cultures adhesion to fibre under modified conditions of the human stomach and small intestine7.2.8.1 Effect of pH7.2.8.2 Effect of acid and pepsin7.2.8.3 Effect of bile7.2.8.4 Effect of pancreatin7.3 Statistical analysis7.4 Results and discussion7.4.1 Probiotic co-cultures adhesion to millet dietary fibre fractions7.4.2 Effect of potential inhibitor7.4.3 Effect of chemical7.4.4 Effect of medium7.4.5 Effect of enzyme7.4.6 Effect of temperature7.4.7 Effect of pH7.4.8 Effect of substrate concentration7.4.9 Effect of time and growth7.4.10 Influence of simulating gastrointestinal conditions7.5 Conclusion7.6 ReferenceGENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS1. General conclusions2. Key Innovation of thesis3. RecommendationsLIST OF PUBLICATIONSAPPENDICES
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标签:小米论文; 膳食纤维论文; 发酵论文; 气液相色谱仪论文; 短链脂肪酸论文; 双歧杆菌论文; 乳酸杆菌论文;