合语法性检查是计算语言学研究领域中一个值得深入研究的问题。本研究主要讨论英语的合语法性检查。对于该问题,国外已有一些研究,如Kukich(1992)、Atwell and Elliott(1987)、Douglas and Dale(1992)、Golding and Schabes(1996;Kukich,1992)、Bustamante and León(1996)、Gojenola and Oronoz(2000)等都从不同的角度展开了讨论。此外,还有一些语法检查系统研究项目也值得我们回顾并参考。其中有Kuenning的Ispell、Atkinson的Aspell、Bernth的EasyEnglish、Jensen et al.的Critique、Bustamante and León的GramCheck以及Bredenkamp et al.的FLAG。 虽然语法检查系统的开发可以从确定性模型和非确定性模型两种不同的模式展开,但直接运用已有的句法分析系统来开发语法检查系统值得我们探讨。这样,想要设计一个比较成功的语法检查器,必须要有一个非常健壮的句法分析系统。目前,基于不同理论框架、应用不同方法构建的句法分析系统已有不少。其中,基于统计学模型的语法分析系统,如Collins(1999),准确率高,但速度不够快,应用于机辅适应性教学的服务器对学习者的输出进行实时处理不够理想。而链语法模型(Sleator&Temperley,1991;Lafferty et al.,1992)不但有较高的准确率,更重要地是,它在速度方面也有其过人之处。基于组合模式的英语语法检查系统正是基于链语法分析器的。因为链语法分析器的理论基础是链语法,它是一种与依存语法有着很近关系的语法模
Table of ContentsList of TablesList of FiguresDeclarationAcknowledgementsCurriculum VitaeMajor PublicationsAbstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Research overview1.3 Outline of the dissertation2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Starting from tagging and parsing2.2.1 Taggers2.2.1.1 Linguistic models2.2.1.2 Statistic models2.2.1.3 Machine-learning models2.2.2 Parsers2.2.2.1 Context-free grammar models2.2.2.2 Context-free grammar models with context sensitivity2.2.2.3 Models with lexical sensitivity2.2.2.4 History-based models2.3 Grammar checkers2.3.1 Research review2.3.2 Projects review2.3.2.1 Ispell and Aspell2.3.2.2 Style and Diction2.3.2.3 EasyEnglish2.3.2.4 Critique2.3.2.5 CLAWS as a Grammar Checker2.3.2.6 GramCheck2.3.2.7 Grammar Checker by Park and his colleagues2.3.2.8 FLAG2.3.2.9 Style and grammar checker by Naber2.4 Grammar formalisms2.4.1 Dependency grammar2.4.1.1 Lucien Tesniére2.4.1.2 Post-Tesniére development2.4.1.3 Link grammar2.4.2 Link grammar: a detailed discussion2.4.2.1 Links2.4.2.2 Basic assumptions2.4.2.3 Dictionary and linking requirements2.4.2.4 Post-processing2.4.2.5 Speed and robustness features2.4.2.6 The cost system2.4.2.7 Differences between Link grammar and other dependency-related grammars2.4.3 Transformation-based machine learning algorithm2.4.3.1 Initial state of the parser2.4.3.2 Structural Transformations2.4.3.3 Learning Transformations2.5 Summary3 Research Questions3.1 Introduction3.2 Researches related to link grammar3.3 Detailed study of the Link Parser3.3.1 Merit of link grammar for the purpose of grammar checking3.3.2 An evaluation of the parser3.3.3 A closer examination3.3.4 Problems to be addressed3.4 Research questions3.5 Objectives of this research3.6 Summary4 Theoretical Framework4.1 Introduction4.2 Phrase structure grammars vs. dependency grammars4.3 On combined models4.4 Grammar checking in the combined model: Link Parser incorporated with phrase structure information4.4.1 Phase One4.4.2 Phase Two4.4.3 Phase Three4.5 The Grammar checker4.5.1 The interface4.5.2 Speed of the grammar checker4.5.3 Evaluation of the grammar checker4.6 Summary5 Research Design5.1 Research methodology5.2 Implementation of the combined model5.2.1 Preparing the training corpus5.2.2 Training in transformation-based machine learning algorithm5.2.2.1 The comparison algorithm5.2.2.2 Training process5.2.3 Applying the knowledge to the post processing stage in the Link Parser5.3 Evaluation of the combined model5.4 Summary6 Research Outcome: Evaluating the Combined Model6.1 Introduction6.2 Experiment Ⅰ6.2.1 Objectives of the experiment6.2.2 Test set6.2.3 Result and analysis6.2.4 Case study6.3 Experiment Ⅱ6.3.1 Objectives of this experiment6.3.2 Test set6.3.3 Result and analysis6.4 Performance of the grammar checker6.5 Summary7 Conclusion7.1 Conclusion7.2 Remaining issues and future work7.2.1 Error and error judgment7.2.2 Adaptiveness to CLEC7.2.3 Code-level refinementA The C source code of the main part of the grammar checkerB The Perl 5.6 code of the comparison algorithmC The rule-set learned for the transformation-based machine-learning algorithmD Test set of the 83 sentences in Experiment ⅠE Re-ranking of the 16 linkages of Sentence 40 in Experiment ⅠF Test set of the 427 sentences in Experiment ⅡG Downloading address of the Grammar Checker for evaluationBibliographyIndex
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标签:语法检查论文; 组合模型论文; 链语法论文; 语法分析论文;
基于组合模式的语法检查 ——短语结构语法与依存语法之结合