摘要AbstractContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Rationale of this research1.3 Objectives and research questions of this research1.4 Notes on methodology and data collection1.5 Structure of this thesisChapter Two Review of related literature2.1 Introduction2.2 Terminological issues2.2.1 Initiation and response,initiator and responder2.2.2 Distinctions between daily responses and courtroom responses2.3 Review of relevant studies on courtroom responses2.3.1 Social and anthropological approaches2.3.2 Pragmatic approach2.3.3 Legal approach2.3.4 Achievements and limitations of the previous approachesChapter Three A Description of Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 The delimitation of pragmatic vagueness3.2.1 Vagueness,generality,ambiguity,fuzziness and indirectness3.2.2 Pragmatic vagueness,pragmatic ambiguity and pragmatic ambivalence3.2.3 Working definition of PV3.3 Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory3.3.1 LAT's pragmatic perspective3.3.2 The essence of the adaptation theory3.4 Chinese courtroom setting3.4.1 Courtroom participants3.4.2 Courtroom interaction3.5 Description of the theoretical framework of this research3.6 SummaryChapter Four Realization of PV in Courtroom Response4.1 Introduction4.2 Turning to contextual interpretation4.2.1 Adopting deixis4.2.2 Understatement4.3 Resorting to vague expressions4.3.1 Ambiguity4.3.2 Hedges4.3.3 Abstract expressions4.4 SummaryChapter Five Adaptability of PV in courtroom response5.1 Introduction5.2 PV as adaptation to courtroom contextual variables5.3 PV as adaptation to social world of courtroom5.3.1 PV as adaptation to imbalance of power5.3.2 PV as adaptation to legal rights and legal obligations5.4 PV as adaptation to courtroom responders' mental world5.4.1 PV as adaptation to motivation of presenting beneficial information5.4.2 PV as adaptation to motivation of denying damaging information5.4.3 PV as adaptation to motivation of maintaining good relationship5.5 SummaryChapter Six Pragmatic functions and use of PV in courtroom6.1 Introduction6.2 Pragmatic functions of PV in courtroom response6.2.1 Masking negative information6.2.2 Reducing the commitment to the facts6.2.3 Pretending to satisfy courtroom initiators'questions6.2.4 Mitigate seriousness of the facts6.3 Variability and pragmatic functions of PV6.4 Courtroom responders' efficient use of PV as a strategy6.5 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Introduction7.2 Summary of major findings7.3 Implications7.4 Limitations7.5 Suggestions for further researchReferencesAcknowledgements
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标签:语用含糊论文; 法庭答话论文; 语用功能论文; 顺应性论文;