摘要AbstractChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Film and Culture2.1.1 Characteristics and Functions of Film2.1.2 Film and Culture2.2 Feminist Film2.3 FeminismChapter Three The Background of the Two Movies3.1 Introduction to Movie The Color Purple3.2 Introduction to Movie Raise the Red Lantern3.3 A Comparison of the Two MoviesChapter Four Female Life in Patriarchal Society4.1 Female Life in Patriarchal Society in The Color Purple4.1.1 The life of Celie—Abiding Model4.1.2 The Life of Shug—Perfect Model4.1.3 The Life of Sofia—Tough Model4.2 Female Life in Patriarchal Society in Raise the Red Lantern4.2.1 The Life of Songlian—Compromising Model4.2.2 The Life of Yuru—Guarding Model4.2.3 The Life of Zhuoyun—Fighting Model4.2.4 The Life of Meishan—Resisting Model4.2.5 The Life of Yan'er—Stubborn Model4.3 A Comparison of Female Life in the Two Movies4.3.1 In The Color Purple4.3.2 In Raise the Red LanternChapter Five Sisterhood among Female Images5.1 Sisterhood in The Color Purple5.1.1 Sisterhood between Celie and Nettie5.1.2 Sisterhood between Celie and Sofia5.1.3 Sisterhood between Celie and Shug5.2 Sisterhood in Raise the Red Lantern5.2.1 Sisterhood between Songlian and Yan'er5.2.2 Sisterhood between Songlian and Zhuouyun5.2.3 Sisterhood between Songlian and Meishan5.3 A Comparison of Sisterhood in the Two Movies5.3.1 Solidarity and encouragement Promote Rebirth5.3.2 Jealousy and Resent Lead to TragedyChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:女性文化论文; 电影论文; 女性主义论文; 美国论文; 中国论文;