摘要AbstractList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background1.2 The Necessity of the Research1.3 Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Review on Cooperative Learning2.1.1 The Definition of Cooperative Learning2.1.2 Elements of Cooperative Learning2.1.3 A Brief History of Cooperative Learning2.2 The Studies of Cooperative Learning Abroad and at Home2.2.1 The Study of Cooperative Learning Abroad2.2.2 The Study of Cooperative Learning in China2.3 Studies of English Writing Teaching in China and AbroadChapter3 The Empirical Study3.1 Research Purpose and Questions3.2 Subject3.3 Instrumentation3.4 Steps in the Activity3.4.1 Pairing up the Students3.4.2 Train Cooperative Writing3.4.3 Pre-writing3.4.4 Draft3.4.5 Peer Feedback3.4.6 Revising3.4.7 Teachers' Evaluation3.4.8 Publishing3.5 Research Procedure3.5.1 Questionnaire Ⅰ3.5.2 Pre-test3.5.3 Mid-test3.5.4 Post-test3.5.5 Questionnaire Ⅱ3.6 Data and Analysis3.6.1 Analysis of the Pre-test3.6.2 Analysis of the Mid-test3.6.3 Analysis of the Post-testChapter 4 Pedagogical Implication4.1 Features of Cooperative Learning in English Classroom4.1.1 Attempting to Create a Learner-centered Teaching and Learning Process4.1.2 Emphasizing on Completing Tasks in Target Language. by Cooperation4.1.3 Enhancing Meaningful Negotiation in English Contexts4.1.4 Providing Learning by Doing Opportunities Learners4.2 Feasibility of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching4.2.1 In Accord with the Characteristics of English Teaching4.2.2 Matching students' learning styles4.2.3 To be suitable for Features of English Teaching Material4.3 The Construction of Cooperative Learning in English Writing Classroom4.3.1 Design Cooperative Learning Tasks4.3.2 Shifting the Roles of the Teachers4.3.3 Roles of Students4.3.4 The Procedures of Cooperative Learning in Classroom4.3.5 The Assessment of Cooperative LearningChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Main Findings5.1.1 Findings Concerning the Students5.1.2 Findings Concerning the Teacher5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyReferencesAppendix AAppendix BAcknowledgements
标签:合作学习论文; 英语写作论文; 写作小组论文; 实证研究论文; 高中生论文;