Abstract中文摘要List of Figures and TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1.Introduction1.1 Purpose of this study1.2 Significance of this studyChapter 2.Literature Review2.1 Previous research abroad2.2 Previous research at homeChapter 3.Rationale3.1 Learning Strategies3.1.1 Definition of Learning Strategies3.1.2 Classification of learning strategy3.1.3 Basic Knowledge of Meta-cognitive Strategy3.2 listening comprehension3.3 Relationship between Metacognitive strategies and listening performance3.4 Relationship between Metacognitive Strategies and Listening Instruction3.4.1 The Study of Meta-cognitive Strategies in Listening Instruction3.4.2 Strategy-based instructionChapter 4.Methodology4.1 Research Questions4.2 Subjects4.3 Instrumentation4.3.1 Questionnaires4.3.2 Pretest and Posttest4.4 Instruction:4.5 Experiment ProcedureChapter 5.Data collection and analysis5.1 The use of Metacognitive Strategy in the Two Classes before Instruction5.2 The t-test of listening achievement in the experimental class and the control class before instruction5.3 The pre-test listening achievement of the participants in each class5.4 The Post-test listening achievement of each class of the participants5.5 The application of metacognitive strategy after the instruction5.6 Pearson Correlation between metacognitive training and listening achievement5.7 Intra difference between strategy use and listening performance in EC5.8 The correlation between strategy use and listening performance in groupl in ECChapter 6.Conclusion,implication and limitation6.1 Conclusion6.2 Implications6.3 Suggestions and LimitationsReferencesAppendix 1.QuestionnaireAppendix 2.The Pre-test paperAppendix 3.The pre-test listening achievement of Experimental ClassAppendix 4.The pre-test listening achievement of Control ClassAppendix 5.The Post-test paperAppendix 6.The post-test listening achievement of Experimental ClassAppendix 7.The post-test listening achievement of Control ClassAppendix8 Sample Lesson MaterialsAppendix9 实验班第一次问卷调查结果Appendix10 实验班第二次问卷调查结果Appendix11 控制班问卷调查结果Acknowledgement
标签:元认知策略论文; 培训论文; 英语听力论文; 教学论文;