摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsChapter One Introduction1.1 Overview of High School English Education1.2 Purpose and Significance of This Study1.3 General Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Background2.1.1 Second Language Aquisition and Second Language Learning2.1.1.1 The Critical Period Hypothesis2.1.1.2 The Comprehensible Input Theory2.1.1.3 The Affective Filter Hypothesis2.1.2 Bilingual Education2.1.2.1 Definition2.1.2.2 Types2.1.2.3 Bilingual Teaching Patterns in China2.1.3 Immersion2.1.3.1 Types of English Immersion2.2 Bilingual Education Abroad2.2.1 The French Immersion Program in Canada2.2.2 The English Submmersion Program in United States2.3 Immersion Program in ChinaChapter Three Research Design and Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 The Introduction of the Program under Study3.3 Research Procedure3.4 Data CollectingChapter Four Analysis and Findings4.1 Curruculum Design4.1.1 Goals and Objectives4.1.2 Detailed Teaching Plan of the Three Years4.1.3 Schedual of Daily Activity4.2 Teaching Materials4.3 Teaching Strategy4.3.1 Daily Base Information Response Sysytem4.3.2 Text Scene Reproduction in Class4.3.3 Reading Input and Speaking Output Strategy4.3.4 Writing Response/Feedback System4.3.5 Multi-level Word and Phrase Stimulatiing Strategy4.3.6 Guessing the Meaning of the Words and Phrases in the Sentence Context4.4 Students' Performance4.4.1 The Academic Performance4.4.2 The Club,Charity and Voluntary Achievement4.4.3 Students' Personality And CharactericsChapter Five General Discussions and Conclusion5.1 Summary of Findings5.2 Implication and Suggestion5.3 LimitationReferencesAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix D
标签:高中教育论文; 浸入式教学论文; 双语教学论文; 英语教学论文;