中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One IntroductionChapter Two The Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative Approach2.1 The Grammar-Translation Method2.1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Grammar-Translation Method2.1.2 Principles2.1.3 Techniques2.1.4 Procedures2.2 The Improved Grammar-Translation Method2.2.1 A Brief Introduction2.2.2 The teaching principles of the improved Grammar-Translation Method2.2.3 The teaching procedures of the improved Grammar-Translation Method2.3 How the Grammar-Translation Method Developed into the Communicative Approach2.3.1 The Grammar-Translation Method and its limitations2.3.2 The Direct Approach/Method2.3.3 The Audio-lingual Method/Approach2.3.4 The Oral or Situational Approach2.3.5 The Cognitive Approach2.3.6 The Affective-humanistic,the Comprehension-based and the Communicative2.4 The Communicative Approach2.4.1 A Brief Introduction2.4.2 Principles2.4.3 Techniques2.4.4 Procedures2.5 The Comparisons of the Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative ApproachChapter Three The Necessity of Integration of the Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative Approach3.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative Approach3.1.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Grammar-Translation Method3.1.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Communicative Approach3.2 The Need for Integrating the Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative ApproachChapter Four Integrating the Grammar-Translation Method and the Communicative Approach4.1 Linguistic Competence4.2 Communicative Competence4.3 Fluency and Accuracy4.4 The Dialectical Relationship between Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence4.5 The Channels of Integrating Two Methods4.5.1 Emphasizing the Teaching of Vocabulary and Grammar4.5.2 Improving Both Linguistic Competence and Integrating Skills4.5.3 Raising both Receptive and Productive Skills4.5.4 The Integrated Instruction of the Four Skills and the Language Features4.5.5 Potential Problems and the way outChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:英语教学论文; 语法翻译法论文; 交际法论文; 整合论文;
论语法翻译法和交际法的整合 ——培养高中生的语言能力和交际能力