English AbstractChinese AbstractIntroduction1. Introduction to the Authors and Works2. Critical Reviews on the Works3. The Theories Employed in the Thesis4. Significance of the ThesisChapter One Theme of Belonging in The Hairy Ape1.1 The Analysis of the Ape and Yank1.1.1 The Image of the Ape1.1.2 The Image of Yank1.1.3 Comparison between Yank and the Ape1.2 The Sense of Belonging Shown through the Ape1.2.1 The Ape Standing for Yank’s Confused Pursuit1.2.2 The Ape Serving as a Foil to Mankind’s LonelinessChapter Two Theme of Belonging in The Pigman2.1 The Analysis of the Pigs, the Baboon and Mr. Pignatti,2.1.1 The Image of the Pigs2.1.2 The Image of the Baboon2.1.3 The Image of Mr. Pignatti2.1.4 Comparison between Mr. Pignatti and the Animals2.2 Sense of Belonging Shown through the Pigs and the Baboon2.2.1 The Pigs Serving as the Embodiment of Pigman’s Sentiment2.2.2 The Baboon Serving as Inter-medium between Pigman and SocietyChapter Three Comparison between the Theme of Belonging in the Two Works3.1 Similarities3.1.1 The Searching in the Two Works3.1.2 Themes of Belonging Reflected in the Two Works3.1.3 The Death of Yank and Mr. Pignati3.2 Differences3.2.1 The Subjects and the Objects3.2.2 The Depth of Realization of Their Existence3.2.3 The Outer Factors and Inner FactorsConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:毛猿论文; 猪人论文; 归属主题论文; 对比论文; 动物意象论文; 迷失论文;
《猪人》和《毛猿》归属主题的对比研究 ——以动物意象为例