摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Why Emma1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study1.4 Thesis OrganizationChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Previous Criticism Studies on Emma2.2 Previous Studies of the CP2.2.1 Research Abroad2.2.2 Research in China2.2.3 Previous Studies of CP on Literary WorksChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Grice's Cooperative Principle3.1.1 The Four Maxims3.1.2 Flouting the Maxim3.2 Leech's Politeness Principle3.2.1 PP vs. CP3.2.2 Maxims of Politeness Principle3.3 Significance of the Cooperative Principle3.4 SummaryChapter Four Conversational Implicature in Emma4.1 Violation of the Quality Maxim4.1.1 Using Rhetorical Questions4.1.2 Being Ironic4.1.3 Metaphor4.1.4 Contradiction4.1.5 Hyperbole4.2 Violation of the Quantity Maxim4.2.1 Overstatement4.2.2 Understatement4.3 Violation of the Relevance Maxim4.3.1 Giving Hints4.3.2 Giving Association Clues4.4 Violation of the Manner Maxim4.4.1 Being Vague and Ambiguous4.4.2 Being Incomplete, Use Ellipsis4.4.3 Displace Hearer4.5 Characterization of the Major Role in Emma4.6 Characterization of the Minor Role in Emma4.7 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations and Suggested Further ResearchAcknowledgmentsBibliographyArticles Published
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