摘要 (Abstract in Chinese)AbstractAcknowledgementsChapter I INTRODUCTION1.1 Significance of the Research1.2 Research Methodology1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter II LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Introduction to the Research Background2.2 Current Studies in Tourist Translation2.2.1 Researches involved with error analysis and discussion of phenomena2.2.2 Researches from a cultural perspective2.2.3 Theoretical researches2.2.4 Dissertations in the field2.3 Focus of the Present ThesisChapter III FUNCTIONALIST TRANSLATION THEORY AND THE TEXT ANALYSIS MODEL3.1 Functionalist Translation Theory3.1.1 Translation As a Translational Action with Intention3.1.2 Skopos theory3.1.3 Text functions3.2 Translation-oriented Text Analysis Model3.2.1 The relationship between source text and target text3.2.2 The role and function of source-text analysis3.2.3 The extratextual and intratextual factors of source-text analysisChapter IV FUNCTIONAL ANALYSES OF ERRORS IN CHINESE-ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF SCENIC SPOTS SIGNS4.1 Chinese-English Translation of Scenic Spots Signs4.1.1 Difficulties in translating C-E scenic spots signs4.1.2 Functional errors in translating C-E scenic spots signs4.2 Functional Error I: Pragmatic Translation Errors4.2.1 Referential inadequacy4.2.2 Cultural information reproducing inadequacy4.3 Functional Error II: Conventional Translation Errors4.3.1 Unconventional rhetorical strategy4.3.2 Unconventional pattern and form4.3.3 Unconventional weights and measures4.4 Functional Error III: Linguistic Translation Errors4.4.1 Diction errors4.4.2 Syntactic errors4.5 Findings of the AnalysisChapter V TEXT-ANALYSIS-BASED FUNCTIONAL APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION OF SCENIC SPOTS SIGNS5.1 Text Types of Scenic Spots Signs5.1.1 The distinctions between scenic spots signs and the remaining tourist texts5.1.2 Three text types of scenic spots signs5.2 Functional Approaches to General Introductory Signs with Primary Appellative Function5.2.1 Analysis of extratextual factors and intratextual factors5.2.2 Functional translation strategies5.2.3 Suggested translation5.3 Functional Approaches to Specific Introductory Signs with Predominant Informative Function5.3.1 Analysis of extratextual factors and intratextual factors5.3.2 Functional translation strategies5.3.3 Suggested translation5.4 Functional Approaches to Service and Price Directive Signs with Predominant Informative Function5.4.1 Analysis of extratextual factors and intratextual factors5.4.2 Functional translation strategies5.4.3 Suggested translationChapter VI CONCLUSIONS6.1 Enlightenment to C-E Tourist Translation6.2 Prospective Implications to Pragmatic Texts TranslationReferencesAppendix
标签:景点标牌论文; 文本功能论文; 翻译策略论文;