Abstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseAcknowledgementChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Language: Definitions and Properties2.2 Culture2.2.1 What Is Culture2.2.2 Characteristics of Culture2.2.3 Cultural Relativism2.2.4 Culture Shock2.3 Language and Culture2.4 Language Teaching and Culture Teaching2.5 Intercultural Communication2.5.1 Communication2.5.1.1 Concept of Communication2.5.1.2 Communication and Culture2.6 Intercultural Communication2.7 Intercultural Communication Breakdown2.8 Pragmatic Failure2.9 Schema Theory2.9.1 Definitions of Schema2.9.2 Schema and Culture2.9.3 Schema and Intercultural Communication2.9.4 Schema Theory and Culture TeachingChapter Three Contrastive Studies on Cultural Differences3.1 Comparison between Dominant American and Chinese Culture Patterns3.1.1 Individualism vs. Collectivism3.1.2 Equality vs. Large Power Distance3.1.3 Assertiveness vs. Interpersonal Harmony3.1.4 Low-Context Culture vs. High-Context Culture3.1.5 Future-oriented vs. Past-oriented Cultures3.2 Interference of Cultural Differences in the College English Intensive Reading Class3.2.1 Cultural Influence on Listening Comprehension in the College English Intensive Reading Class3.2.2 Cultural Influence on Reading Comprehension in the College English Intensive Reading Class3.2.3 Cultural Influence on Translation in the College English Intensive Reading ClassChapter Four An Investigation of Current Culture Teaching in the College English Intensive Reading Class4.1 A Description of College English Intensive Reading Course4.2 Methodology4.3 Teachers Survey and Analysis4.3.1 Objectives and Subjects4.3.2 Instrument and Method4.3.3 Results and Discussion4.4 Learners Survey and Analysis4.4.1 Objectives and Subjects4.4.2 Instrument and Process4.4.3 Results and DiscussionChapter Five Considerations in Integrating Culture Teaching into the College English Intensive Reading Course5.1 Principles for Integrating Language and Culture Teaching5.1.1 Principle of Interest5.1.2 Principle of Relativity5.1.3 Principle of Gradation5.1.4 Principle of Practicality5.1.5 Principle of Fitness5.1.6 Principle of Comparison5.1.7 Principle of Objectivity5.2 Taking the College English Intensive Reading Classroom as a Site of Cross-cultural Field5.2.1 Teach Cultural Knowledge in Intensive Reading Course through Vocabulary5.2.2 Teach Cultural Knowledge in Intensive Reading Course through Reading Comprehension5.2.3 Teach Cultural Knowledge in Intensive Reading Course through Writing5.3 Exploring Culture-based Activities5.3.1 Interactive Activities5.3.1.1 Role-playing5.3.1.2 Communicating with Foreigners5.4 Cultural-exposed Activities5.4.1 Extensive Reading5.4.2 Video Films Watching5.4.3 Surfing on the Internet5.5 Requirements for Language Teachers5.6 ConclusionAppendix IAppendix IIBibliography
标签:文化教学论文; 大学英语精读课论文; 文化差异论文; 跨文化交际能力论文;