摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Research Design1.3.1 Objectives1.3.2 Subjects1.3.3 Instruments1.3.3.1 Questionnarie1.3.3.2 Interviews1.3.4 Results of the Survey and Data Analysis1.3.4.1 Results and Analysis of Questionnaire1.3.4.2 Results and Analysis of Interviews1.3.5 The problems existing in MAFLT1.3.5.1 Misusing of Materials1.3.5.2 Misunderstanding of the Teacher’s Role1.3.5.3 Learning Problems1.3.6 Factors causing the problems1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literaure Review2.1 Theories related to MCALL2.1.1 CALL and its peripheral terms of CALL2.1.2 Technical development of CALL and its supportive theories2.1.2.1 CALL in the 19505 and 196052.1.2.2 CALL in the 19705 and 198052.1.2.3 CALL in the 199052.1.3 The appearance of MCALL2.2 Theories related to Constructivism2.2.1 Constructivism2.2.2 Features of Constructivism2.2.2.1 Authenticity of the learning2.2.2.2 Meaningful learning2.2.2.3 Learner-centeredness2.2.2.4 Collaborative Contructivism2.3 The Application of MACLL Guided2.3.1 About Learning2.3.2 About TeachingChapter Three The Constructivist Teaching Mode in MCALL3.1 Efficient teacher3.1.1 Skills for using multimedia3.1.2 Roles of teachers in the multmedia environment3.1.3 Use the Textbook Effecitively3.1.4 Plan lessons properly3.2 Effecitve MCALL3.2.1 Creating Leanered-centered Teaching mode3.2.2 Promoting and motivatigng students in English learning3.2.3 Creating real languagee environment in classroom3.2.4 Increasing students’background knowledge3.2.5 Improving students’autonomous learningChapter Four A Sample of Learner-centered Teaching Mode in MCALL4.1 The design of multimedia classrooms4.2 Sample Teaching4.2.1 Text Introduction4.2.2 Word Teaching4.2.3 Text Teaching4.2.4 Listening Teaching4.2.5 Writing Teaching4.2.6 Oral English Teaching4.3 Survey4.3.1 Objectives4.3.2 Subjects4.3.3 Instruments4.3.3.1 Questionnaire4.3.3.2 Test4.3.4 Results and Discussion4.3.4.1 Results and Analysis of Questionnaire4.3.4.2 Comparison of ScoresChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major findings of Study5.2 Limitations of the study5.3 Suggestions for future ResearchBibliographerAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IV读硕期间学术成果Acknowledgements
标签:多媒体计算机辅助语言教学论文; 建构主义论文; 教学模式论文;