AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Consecutive Interpretation and the Situations in which it is Used1.2 Research on Interpretation: History and Developments1.3 The Present Study: Focus and MethodsChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Consecutive Interpretation2.1.1 An Overview of Consecutive Interpretation2.1.2 The Theory of Sense2.1.3 Effort Model2.2 Working Memory2.3 Working Memory Capacity2.4 Previous Study of Working Memory and InterpretationChapter Three The Analysis of Working Memory in the Process of Consecutive Interpreting3.1 The Mechanism of Working Memory: An Overview3.2 Deep Comprehension3.3 Information Representation3.3.1 Phonologically-based Material and Visuospatial Material3.3.2 Organization of Information3.4 The Maintenance of Information3.4.1 Chunking3.4.2 Rehearsal3.5 Information RetrievalChapter Four Factors that Affect the Accuracy of Memory4.1 Interference4.2 The Lack of Controlled Attention4.3 The Limits of the CapacityChapter Five Methods to Enhance Working Memory5.1 Expert Performance5.2 Strategies5.2.1 Selective Encoding5.2.2 Retrieval Structure5.2.3 Reasoning, Decision-making, and Effective Planning5.3 Deliberate Practice and AutomatisationChapter Six ConclusionBibliography
标签:交替传译论文; 工作记忆论文; 认知负荷论文; 专家技能论文; 策略论文; 强化训练论文;