摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Background of the present study1.2 Current situation in the college English reading and writing class1.3 Significance of the research1.4 Organization of the thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Research of cooperative learning at home and abroad2.2 Defining literacy and literacy development2.3 Defining cooperative learning2.4 Some major cooperative learning methods2.4.1 Student Teams-Achievement Divisions2.4.2 JigsawⅠand JigsawⅡ2.4.3 Group Investigation2.4.4 Learning Together2.4.5 Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition2.5 Basic elements of cooperative learning2.5.1 Positive interdependence2.5.2 Individual accountability2.5.3 Group processing2.5.4 Face-to-face promotive interaction2.5.5 Interpersonal and small group skills2.6 Advantages of cooperative learning2.6.1 Motivating students to learning2.6.2 Raising students’autonomy2.6.3 Creating a positive atmosphere2.6.4 Enhancing students’critical thinking2.6.5 Enhancing students’self-esteem2.6.6 Fostering student interactions3 Theoretical Basis3.1 Social interdependence theory3.2 Needs theory3.3 Cognitive development theory4 Methodologies4.1 Purpose of this experiment4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments and data collection4.3.1 Testing4.3.2 Questionnaires4.3.3 Interviews4.4 Instructional design4.4.1 Preparation before forming groups4.4.2 Grouping4.4.3 Assigning the roles of the members in the group4.4.4 Integrating the use of cooperative learning into teaching English literacy5 Findings and Discussion5.1 Result of the tests5.1.1 Pre-test5.1.2 Post-test5.2 Result of the questionnaires5.2.1 Analysis of result of questionnaireⅠ5.2.2 Analysis of result of questionnaire Ⅱ5.3 Result of the interviews5.3.1 Students’perception about cooperative reading and writing5.3.1.1 Cons and pros of cooperative learning as compared to traditional teaching methods5.3.1.2 Benefits of cooperative reading and writing5.3.2 Some suggestions about cooperative reading and writing5.3.3 Reasons why some students don’t like CL5.3.4 Opinions about reading and writing class from the control group5.4 The role of cooperative learning in college students’literacy development6 Conclusions and Suggestions6.1 Conclusions6.1.1 Effective learning in the cooperative reading and writing class6.1.2 The important finding derived from the experiment6.1.2.1 Change in the teacher’s role6.1.2.2 Change in the students’role6.1.3 The factors influencing cooperative learning6.1.3.1 The choice of learning material6.1.3.2 The teacher’s competence and concept6.1.3.3 The students’competence and perception6.2 Teaching implications of the study6.2.1 Some benefits of CL6.2.2 Some problems of CL6.3 SuggestionsReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendicesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Appendix 6
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标签:大学英语读写论文; 合作学习论文; 传统教学方法论文;