

论文题目: 中美跨文化交际行为中价值观差异障碍因素研究

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 外国语言学与应用语言学

作者: 于玉星

导师: 张权

关键词: 文化代码,价值观差异,价值观障碍

文献来源: 东南大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 交际行为中的核心要素是代码系统,信息的编码和解码都有赖于该系统来进行,本论文将交际行为的代码系统解构为语言代码,语境代码和文化代码三个层次。其中文化代码起核心作用。文化层次又解构为精神文化,行为文化和物质文化,其中精神文化的核心要素价值观取向对人在交际行为中的差异起着根源性的作用。在此理论系统基础上,论文对跨文化交际研究中的两种价值观尺度体系进行比较,并提出本研究比较的价值观取向框架:社会关系取向,历史时间观取向和自我认识取向。在这一框架下,论文对中美文化价值观根源和取向进行对比分析,总结出文化价值观在中美跨文化交际行为中的三个差异项:个人身份与集体身份,历史取向与未来取向,弱自我观与强自我观。论文就100个中美跨文化交际失败实例加以分析,结果显示62%的实例根源于本论文所总结的三项文化差异,并凸现出三项主要价值观障碍因素:个体性障碍,时间观障碍和隐私观障碍。为了进一步解析文化价值观差异对跨文化交际的影响和阻碍,论文第四部分以作者所收集的中美跨文化交际中的具体事例为材料分析此三项障碍尺度在具体交际行为中的根源性影响。最后论文根据该价值观障碍尺度设计问卷,调查中国大学生跨文化交际行为中的价值观障碍状况,以及中国大学生文化交际能力获得的途径,并就调查结果对大学英语教学中文化意识和能力的导入提出建议。本论文通过解构交际行为的代码系统,分析跨文化交际中的核心障碍因素价值观差异,提炼出三项主要价值观障碍尺度,并就此调查我国英语学习者的跨文化交际能力现状,对中美跨文化交际和我国的英语教学实践都具有参考价值。





Chapter I Theoretical Foundations for this Study

1. Communication and the coding system

1.1 Communication: definition and variables

1.2 The three layers of the coding system

1.3 The deep roots of culture: value orientations

1.3.1 The definition of culture

1.3.2 The deep roots of culture: value and perception

1.3.3 The deconstruction of culture

1.4 Inter-cultural communication and the focus of this study

Chapter II: Value Orientations and a Framework for this Study

2. Value orientations

2.1 Hofstede’s value dimensions

2.1.1 individualism-collectivism

2.1.2 Uncertainty avoidance

2.1.3 Power distance

2.1.4 Masculinity and feminity

2.2 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientations

2.2.1 Human nature orientation

2.2.2 The relationship of humankind to nature

2.2.3 Time orientation

2.2.4 Activity orientation

2.2.5 Relationship orientation

2.3 A value orientations framework for this study

Chapter III: Comparison between Chinese and American Value Orientations

3. Comparison between Chinese and American value orientations

3.1 Chinese cultural roots

3.1.1 The historical and social structure roots of Chinese culture

3.1.2 The moral roots of Chinese culture

3.2 American cultural roots

3.2.1 The religious roots of American value system

3.2.2 The historical roots of American value system

3.2.3 The geographical roots of American value system

3.3 The divergences between Chinese and American value orientations

3.4 Cases analysis and the three value impediments

Chapter IV Analysis on the Value Impediments in Daily Inter-cultural Communication Situations

4. Cases analysis

4.1 Cases study for the individuality impediment

4.2 Cases study for the time concept impediment

4.3 Cases study for the privacy concept impediment

4.4 General case analysis

Chapter V Survey on Chinese College Students’ Inter-cultural Communication Ability and Pedagogical Implications

5. Pedagogical application

5.1 Survey on Chinese college students’ inter-cultural communication ability

5.1.1 Analysis on students’ inter-cultural communication ability

5.1.2 Analysis on the channels

5.2 Pedagogical implications from this study




发布时间: 2007-06-11


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