AcknowledgementsAbstract(English)Abstract(Chinese)A List of TablesAbbreviations Used in This ThesisChapter One Statement of the Problem and Structure of the Thesis1.1 Statement of the Problem1.2 Reasons for the Study1.3 Definition of the Terms Used in This Study1.4 The Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review:EFL Writing Instruction,Second Language Acquisition,Autonomous Learning and Internet2.1 Introduction2.2 The Definition of Writing2.3 An Overview of Approaches to Writing Instruction2.4 A Critical Overview of Foreign Language Writing Research on Pedagogical Approaches2.4.1 The Product-oriented Approach2.4.2 The Task-based Approach2.4.3 The Process-based Approach2.5 Second Language Acquisition Theory Related to the Study2.5.1 Exposure Condition in Language Learning2.5.2 Cognitive Interaction View2.5.3 Motivation2.6 Advocacy of Autonomous Learning2.6.1 The Theoretical Setting2.6.2 Autonomous Learning—Concepts and Characteristics2.6.2.1 What is Autonomous Learning? The Characteristics of Autonomous Learning2.6.3 The Distinctions among Autonomy,Self-instruction and Distance Learning2.6.4 Fostering Autonomous Learning in English Writing via Internet2.6.5 An Overview of the Researches in Autonomous Leaning2.6.6 A New Area of Autonomous Learning Research:Out-of-classChapter Three Objective and Design of the Project3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Aims and Objectives3.3 The Map of the Research Project3.4 Rationale for the Design of the Experiment3.5 Subjects3.6 Material3.7 Methods3.8 Instruments3.8.1 Questionnaire3.8.2 Interview3.8.3 English Writing Tests3.9 Data Collection3.9.1 Administration of the Pretest and the Posttest of English Writing3.9.2 Interview3.9.3 Questionnaire3.10 Data Analysis3.10.1 Analysis of the Pretest and the Posttest of English Writing3.10.2 Interview3.10.3 Questionnaire3.11 SummaryChapter Four The Presentation of the Results4.1 Introduction4.2 The Presentation of the Results4.2.1 The Report of Questionnaire of the Students' Attitude toward the Activity4.2.2 The Results of the Students' Writing Skills4.2.2.1 The Pretest Results of the EG and the CG4.2.2.2 The Posttest Results of the EG and the CG4.2.2.3 The Results Comparison of the Pre/Post Tests for the EG and the CG4.2.3 The Presentation of Interview4.3 SummaryChapter Five Analysis and Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 Review of the Proposed Questions5.3 Analysis and Discussion on the Three Research Questions5.3.1 On the First Research Question5.3.2 On the Second Research Question5.3.3 On the Third Research Question5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusions6.1 Introduction6.2 Major Findings6.2.1 Findings Concerning the Students' Attitude toward the Activity6.2.2 Findings Concerning the Students' Writing Skills6.2.3 Findings Concerning the Students' Motivation and Autonomous Learning Ability6.2.4 Other Findings6.2.5 Drawbacks6.3 Methodological Implications6.4 Limitations of the Study6.4.1 Conceptualization of Writing Capacity6.4.2 Small Sample Size6.5 Suggestions for Future Research6.5.1 Macro-level Studies6.5.2 Micro-level Studies6.6 SummaryAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢBibliography
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标签:英语写作论文; 英特网论文; 学习动机论文; 自主学习能力论文;