Abstract内容摘要AcknowledgementsTable of ContentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Interest and Its Significance in Learning2.1.1 Definition of Interest2.1.2 Interest Formation2.1.3 Its Significance in Learning2.2 Definition of Grading and Progressive Teaching and Its Importance2.2.1 Definition of Grading and Progressive Teaching2.2.2 Its Importance in Teaching2.3 Humanistic Psychology and Its Implications2.3.1 Humanistic Psychology2.3.2 The Implications of the Humanistic Psychology to Education2.3.3 The Relationship between Humanistic Psychology and Second Language Acquisition2.4 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis and Its Implication2.4.1 The Affection Filter Hypothesis2.4.2 The Affection Filter Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition2.4.3 The Implication of the Affective Filter Hypothesis2.5 A Neurobiological Perspective and Second Language Learning2.5.1 The Neural Basis for Stimulus Appraisal2.5.2 Neurobiological Implications in Second Language Learning2.6 Modern Education Theories2.6.1 Theory of the Best Developing Region2.6.2 Theory of the Optimization of TeachingChapter 3 Present Situation of English Teaching in Vocational Schools3.1 Characteristics of Vocational School Students3.1.1 Students Sources and Their Non-intellectual Factors3.1.2 English Levels of Vocational School Students3.2 Present English Teaching in Vocational Schools3.2.1 Textbooks for Vocational School Students3.2.2 Characteristics of English Teaching in Vocational SchoolsChapter 4 Experiment4.1 Subjects4.2 Procedure4.2.1 Pre-test4.2.2 Grading Students4.2.3 Teaching Procedure4.2.4 Post-test4.3 Methods of the Experiment4.3.1 Setting up Teaching Aims4.3.2 Raising Questions in Class4.3.3 Classroom Teaching4.3.4 Group Learning4.3.5 EvaluationChapter 5 Result and Analysis5.1 Findings of Questionnaire and Analysis5.1.1 Findings5.1.2 Result Analysis of the Questionnaire5.2 English Achievements and Analysis5.2.1 Statistical Instrument5.2.2 English Achievements5.2.3 Result Analysis of English Achievement5.3 Result Analysis of the ExperimentChapter 6 ConclusionReferencesAppendix 1
标签:感情因素论文; 认知过程论文; 学习兴趣论文; 分层递进教学论文; 二语习得论文;