1.量子秘密共享我们提出了一个用4个量子态实现的多方与多方之间的量子秘密共享方案,并证明此方案对用多光子信号的特洛伊马攻击,用Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen对的伪信号攻击,单光子攻击,以及不可见光子攻击是安全的。另外,给出了不忠实者使用任意两粒子纠缠态伪信号攻击方法窃听秘密信息平均成功概率的上界。接着,我们又提出了一个用6个量子态实现的多方(一组的m个成员)与多方(二组的n个成员)之间的量子秘密共享方案。在这个量子密钥共享协议中,一组的所有成员通过幺正操作将他们各自的秘密直接编码在单光子态上,然后最后一人(一组的第m个成员)把最后所得到的量子位平均分成n份,并将这n份分别发送给二组的n个成员。通过测量对应的量子位,由一组的m个成员共享的秘密信息也被二组的n个成员共享。此方案的特征是每个组的任何部分成员或一组的部分成员和二组的部分成员的联合都不能读出秘密,只有每个组的全体成员一起才可以得到秘密。此协议的效率近似100%。此方案使多光子信号的特洛伊马攻击, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen对的伪信号攻击,单光子攻击,以及不可见光子攻击无效。此协议比用4个量子态实现的多方与多方之间的量子秘密共享方案优越。我们也给出了不忠实者使用任意两粒子纠缠态伪信号攻击方法窃听秘密信息平均成功概率的上界。我们还提出了仅用单光子和幺正操作在Alice组和Bob组之间实现秘密共享的另一个方案。在此方案中,Alice组的一个成员准备处于4个不同态的单光子序列,其他成员则在这个单光子序列上用幺正操作编码各自的量子信息。之后Alice组的最后一个成员将这组编码好的单光子序列发送给Bob组。Bob组除最后一个成员外,其他成员作同Alice组成员类似的工作,而Bob组的最后一个成员测量这些量子位。通过一些检验,如果通信者能确认量子通道是安全的,则Alice组的最后一个成员所送的量子位就是两组之间共享的秘密。2.控制的量子隐形传态我们研究了使用一般的三量子位态作为量子通道成功控制传输一个未知量子态的概率。给出了经由各种包括Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger态和W态在内的三量子位态作为量子通道成功控制传输一个未知量子态的最大概率的解析表示。除此之外我们还确定了另一种局域纠缠。进一步地我们得到了通过测量一个量子位使三量子位态塌缩成Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen对的充分必要条件,并找出了能以单位概率和单位忠实度控制传输未知量子态的三量子位态量子通道的集合。3.一个正算子测量的实现我们给出了实现一个正算子测量的幺正变换的矩阵分解,从而使这一正算子测量能用基本的量子逻辑门,和对辅助量子位的测量来实现。应用这个正算子测量可实现一个未知两量子位态的概率隐形传输。4.通信中心和其他M个成员之间进行同时的量子安全直接通信的容量我们分析了使用M +1粒子Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger态作为量子通道,采用交换纠缠方法,通信中心和其他M个成员之间进行同时的量子安全直接通信的容量。证明了如果其他M个成员想传输M + 1位经典信息给通信中心,则编码方案应该是秘密的。然而,我们证明当编码方案公开时,无论M多大,此同时的安全直接通信方案只能传送2位的经典信息。
摘要AbstractA summary of literatureI. Quantum cryptographyII. Quantum secret sharingIII. Quantum secure direct communicationIV. Quantum teleportationA. Quantum teleportation protocol invented by Bennett et al.B. The controlled quantum teleportation schemeOur workV. Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with four statesA. Review of the original quantum secret sharing protocol between multiparty and multiparty without entanglementB. The improvement of quantum secret sharing protocol between multiparty and multiparty without entanglementC. Security1. The security against the attack with single photons and the attack with EPR pairs2. The security against the fake-signal attack with EPR pairsVI. Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with six statesA. IntroductionB. Quantum key sharing between multiparty and multiparty based on six statesC. SecurityVII. Quantum secret sharing protocol between multiparty and multiparty with Single photons and unitary transformationsVIII. Optimal controlled teleportationA. IntroductionB. The controlled quantum teleportation using a general three-particle stateC. The maximal successful probability of controlled quantum teleportation using a. general three-particle state1 = a2 = a3 = 0, and a0a4 ≠ 0'>1. a1 = a2 = a3 = 0, and a0a4 ≠ 01=a4 =0, and a0a2a3 ≠ 0'>2. a1=a4 =0, and a0a2a3 ≠ 01 = a2 = 0 and a0a3a4 ≠ 0, the other is a1 = a3 = 0 and a0a2a4 ≠ 0'>3. One is a1 = a2 = 0 and a0a3a4 ≠ 0, the other is a1 = a3 = 0 and a0a2a4 ≠ 02 = a4 = 0 and a0a1a3 ≠ 0, the other is a3 = a4 = 0 and a0a1a2 ≠ 0'>4. One is a2 = a4 = 0 and a0a1a3 ≠ 0, the other is a3 = a4 = 0 and a0a1a2 ≠ 02 = a3 = 0 and a0a1a4 ≠ 0'>5. a2 = a3 = 0 and a0a1a4 ≠ 00a2a3a4 ≠ 0'>6. a-1 = 0 and a0a2a3a4 ≠ 00a1a2a3 ≠ 0'>7. a-4 = 0 and a0a1a2a3 ≠ 02 = 0 and a0a1a3a4 ≠ 0, the other is a3 = 0 and a0a1a2a4 ≠ 0'>8. One is a2 = 0 and a0a1a3a4 ≠ 0, the other is a3 = 0 and a0a1a2a4 ≠ 00a1a2a3a4 ≠ 0'>9. μ= 0 and a0a1a2a3a4 ≠ 00a1a2a-3a4 ≠ 0'>10. μ= πand a0a1a2a-3a4 ≠ 00a1a2a3a4 sinμ≠ 0'>11. The general case —a0a1a2a3a4 sinμ≠ 0D. All three-qubit states that can be used for perfect teleportationE. Localized entanglementF. ConclusionIX. An implementation of a positive operator valued measureX. Capacity of a simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme between the central party and other M partiesReferencesAcknowledgements攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单
标签:量子秘密共享论文; 控制的隐形传态论文; 正算子测量论文; 容量论文;