Synopsis摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Interpreting for Presentations with PowerPoint slides:A New Challenge1.1 Interpreting: a highly demanding cognitive process1.1.1 Multi-tasking1.1.2 High intensity1.1.3 Decision-making1.1.4 Problem-solving1.2 Interpreting for presentations with PowerPoint slides: a new challenge1.2.1 PowerPoint and PowerPoint presentations1.2.2 Interpreting for presentations with PowerPoint slides: a new challengeChapter 2 PowerPoint Slides as A Visual Aid2.1 Gile’s Effort Model2.2 A visual aid2.2.1 Aid to listening: a schema-perspective2.2.1.1 Process of listening comprehension2.2.1.2 Listening difficulties in interpreting2.2.1.3 Aid to listening: a schema-perspective2.2.2 Aid to memory2.2.2.1 The structure of memory2.2.2.2 Role of working memory in interpreting2.2.2.3 Aid to relieving working memory load2.2.3. Aid to production2.2.3.1 Aid to Structuring stage2.2.3.2 Aid to transferring stage2.2.3.3 Aid to performing stageChapter 3 PowerPoint Slides as A Visual Distraction3.1 Distraction to listening3.1.1 Listening comprehension: multi-channel input3.1.2 Functions of attention in listening3.1.3 Distraction to listening: attention split3.2 Distraction to working memory3.3 Distraction to productionChapter 4 A Case Study4.1 Method4.1.1 Subjec4.1.2 Materials4.1.3 Design4.1.4 Procedure4.2 Results and discussionChapter 5 Preparation and Coping Tactics5.1 Preparation5.1.1 Slides preparation5.1.2 Check venue and equipment5.2 Coping tactics in PPT interpretation5.2.1 Fast speech delivery5.2.2 Fast and changing PowerPoint slides delivery5.2.3 Graphics interpretationConclusionAppendix 1Appendix 2BibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:演讲口译论文; 辅助论文; 干扰论文; 应对策略论文;