Abstract摘要AbbreviationsCONTENTSChapter One: Introduction1.1 Research background of the thesis1.2 The primary hypothesis and the significance of the thesis1.3 The structure of this thesisChapter Two: Language environment and acquisition2.1 Literature review2.1.1 Terms defined2.1.1.1 Language environment2.1.1.2 Foreign language learning environment and second language acquisition environment2.1.1.3 Acquisition and learning2.1.2 Kinds of the accessible language environments (ALEs) in China2.1.3 The factors related to acquisition in language environment2.1.3.1 Input2.1.3.2 Output2.1.3.3 Interaction2.1.4 Culture in language environment2.1.4.1 The definition of culture2.1.4.2 The relation between culture and language2.1.4.3 The status quo of culture learning and teaching in Chinese universities2.1.5 Previous studies2.1.5.1 Studies from the perspective of constructive theory2.1.5.2 Studies from the perspective of SLA theory2.2 The researcher's ideas based on the literature review2.2.1 Chinese learners' personal language environment2.2.2 Chinese learners' ideal way to language proficiency2.2.3 The ALE-based learning2.2.4 The relationship between language environment and acquisition2.3 SummaryChapter Three: Theoretical foundation and the characteristics of ALEs3.1 The related theories3.1.1 Input Hypothesis3.1.2 Output Hypothesis and Interaction Hypothesis3.1.3 Affective Filter Hypothesis3.1.4 Constructivist theory3.2 The characteristics of ALEs3.2.1 Rich input in ALEs3.2.2 Interactive activities in ALEs3.2.3 Positive affective factors in ALEs3.2.4 The Learner-centeredness in ALEs3.3 SummaryChapter Four: The empirical study4.1 The quantitative study4.1.1 Research questions4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Instrument4.1.4 Procedures for data collection4.1.5 The results4.1.6 Summary of the quantitative study4.2 The qualitative study4.2.1 Subjects4.2.2 Instrument4.2.3 Procedures for data collection4.2.4 The results and discussion of the qualitative study4.2.5 Summary of the qualitative studyChapter Five: Analysis5.1 From the perspective of SLA theories5.2 From the perspective of Constructivist theory5.2.1 Learner-centeredness of ALEs promotes the learners' interests and motivation5.2.2 Active use of ALEs promotes learners' language acquisition5.2.3 Social interaction promotes learners' language acquisition5.3 SummaryChapter Six: Conclusion6.1 The implications6.2 Limitations of the study and areas for further researchReferencesAppendix 1 Profile of the HF and LF learners for interviewAppendix 2 A cultural knowledge testAppendix 3 关于大学生课外语言环境使用情况的问卷调查Acknowledgements
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标签:语言环境论文; 可及性语言环境论文; 习得论文; 学习论文; 可及性语言环境型学习论文;
语言环境与习得 ——一项对中国非英语专业大学生可及性语言环境型学习的调查研究