Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Background and Necessity of the Study1.2 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Defining Negotiation2.2 Classifying Negotiation2.2.1 Negotiation of Meaning2.2.2 Negotiation of Form2.2.3 Negotiation of Content2.3 A Selective Review of Relevant Studies on Negotiation2.3.1 Negotiation and L2 Comprehension2.3.2 Negotiation and L2 Form2.3.3 Negotiation and L2 Output2.3.4 Classroom-based Studies on Negotiation2.3.4.1 Identification of Negotiated Interaction in Classroom Setting2.3.4.2 Studies on Effects of Different Negotiation Types2.3.4.3 Summary of Previous Classroom-based Studies on NegotiationChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Psycholinguistic Interactionist Theories3.1.1 Input Hypothesis3.1.2 Interaction Hypothesis3.1.3 Output Hypothesis3.2 Social Interactionist Theories3.2.1 Mediation in Learning3.2.2 Zone of Proximal Development and ScaffoldingChapter Four Research Design4.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses4.2 Subjects of the Study4.3 Data Collection: Classroom Observation and Recording4.4 Data Transcription4.5 Data Coding and Analysis4.5.1 FLIAS: Data Coding and Analysis System4.5.2 Identifying Negotiated/Non-negotiated Interaction4.5.3 Classifying Negotiated Interaction4.5.4 Illustrating Negotiation Devices4.5.5 Evaluating Student OutputChapter Five Results and Discussion5.1 Ratio of Negotiated to Non-negotiated Interaction5.2 Frequency Distribution of Three Different Types of Negotiation5.3 Devices Used to Initiate and Sustain Negotiation5.4 Effects of Negotiation on Student Output5.4.1 Effects of Negotiation Types on Student Output5.4.2 Effects of Negotiation Devices on Student OutputChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary of Major Findings6.2 Pedagogical Implications6.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendix One Transcription ConventionsAppendix Two Sample TranscriptionAcknowledgements
标签:二语习得论文; 课堂互动论文; 师生协商论文; 学生口语输出论文;