AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.1.1 The Background of Cultural Context1.1.2 The Previous Study of The Book of Songs1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Significance of the Research1.4 Thesis StructureChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Relationship between Translation and Cultural Context2.1.1 The Definition of Culture2.1.2 Some Scholars' View on Cultural Context2.1.3 The Influences of Cultural Context on Translation2.2 About The Book of Songs2.3 The Influences of the Versions of The Book of Songs2.3.1 James Legge's The She King2.3.2 Wang Rongpei's The Book of Poetry2.4 Foreignization and Domestication StrategiesChapter 3 The Influences of Cultural Context on Translation, with The Book of Songs as3.1 Research Questions3.2 Principles of Translation3.2.1 James Legge's Principle of Translation3.2.2 Wang Rongpei's Principle of Translation3.3 The Comparison of the Two Versions from Some Elements of Cultural Context3.3.1 The Historical Elements and Times3.3.1.1 Some Knowledge of Historical Background and Times3.3.1.2 The Comparison of the Two English versions3.3.2 The Aesthetic Orientation3.3.2.1 The Influences of the Aesthetic Orientation3.3.2.2 The Comparison of the Two English versions3.3.3 Religious Belief3.3.3.1 The Influences of Religious Belief3.3.3.2 The Comparison of the Two English Versions3.3.4 The Customs and Habits in a certain Society3.3.4.1 The Influences of Customs and Habits3.3.4.2 The Comparison of the Two English Versions3.3.5 Geographical Elements3.3.5.1 The Influences of Geographical Elements3.3.5.2 The Comparison of the Two English Versions3.3.6 The Translators' Purposes on Translation3.3.6.1 James Legge's purpose on translation3.3.6.2 Wang Rongpei's Purpose on Translation3.4 The Strategy of Foreignization in TranslationChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Major Findings of this Thesis4.2 The Limitation of this ThesisReferences
标签:文化语境论文; 诗经论文; 归化论文; 异化论文;